
  1. Jessiray

    XF 2.2 Activation Emails Not Being Sent

    Hello, I am posting on here because I have just installed Xenforo onto my Ubuntu 18 server. I read that email activation should work out of the box with the PHP mailer, however this was not the case. When using the php mailer, I get an 'email successfully sent' when doing an Outgoing Email Test...
  2. Jessiray

    How long after purchase does it take to receive a license?

    Hello, I have just purchased a Xenforo license with Media Gallery + Resource Manager. In my control panel it is saying I do not have a license. I also have not received email confirmation of the license. How long does it typically take to receive the license after purchase? Thank you!
  3. Napalm_beach

    XF 2.1 "See what you have missed" email

    I received the "see what you missed" email from this forum today, and I like it better than the Xf 2.1 default. Is that from 2.2, an add-on, or is it a custom project that's not available to the masses? Thanks!
  4. Mouth

    Lack of interest Display as image, or otherwise remove, smilies from emails

    Smilies are not not parsed, and their respective image displayed, in emails. Instead we just get the bbcode equivalent, eg. "[:lol:]" The bbcode is meaningless and detracts from the email, making it look amateurish or faulty. With email alerts for watched forums/threads and conversations, and...
  5. N

    XF 2.2 Best Email Setup

    Building a brand new board in anticipation of a mass migration and need to have bulletproof email settings. What should I do?
  6. asma

    XF 2.1 add new field to contact form

    Within the contact form .. I have name, email, subject and messages fields. Now, I have added "mobile" field to the form .. it shows correctly within the website. However, the received email doesn't include the mobile number that the user entered .. I opened the email template, but I don't know...
  7. Sal Collaziano

    A lot of Facebook signups with incorrect email addresses this, I don't know, normal? I haven't checked every account that may have registered with Facebook - all I know is that the majority of delivery errors to people who register at my various forums - are people who registered using Facebook. Is there something to this? Or are all these...
  8. JasonBrody

    XF 2.1 How to create Two Email Field at Registration Window ?

    Hi Everyone :) I'd like to know how to achieve this , means having TWO EMAIL input field at Registration template/window ?
  9. JasonBrody

    XF 2.1 Solution for Email validation to deal Email Bounce

    Hi, Currently I'm using Amazon SES for SMTP mail service, but recently I'm getting lots of Email bounce reports which is alerting in AWS account as member's are trying to register using invalid mail ID's (I've already restricted registration to Gmail, Yahoo mail only. Seems xenforo's integrated...
  10. JasonBrody

    XF 2.1 Configuring Amazon SES with XF 2.1

    Hi Everyone :) In the XenForo's email option settings here's my setups: Default email address: (this email also verified in Amazon SES) Contact email address: (my gmail ID) Email transport method: SMTP: Port: 587...
  11. Ehren

    Solution for mass emails

    Hi everyone, Earlier today I released updates to my products and sent out emails to my customers to alert them. Shortly after, my site was suspended by my host for sending mass emails (over 1,000) in a short time span. After confirming to my host that my site/email wasn't hacked, they...
  12. J

    XF 2.1 Changing email sending speed

    Hello, I have my XF installation configured to send emails using GMAIL. The problem with that setup that if the list of recipients exceed 75 user, GMAIL will issue a temp block. I am aware of other mail services that I can use but I would like to ask whether it's possible to configure/change...
  13. N

    XF 2.1 Email address filtering via StopForumSpam during registration

    Hi folks. We get a lot of user registrations which end up in moderation because of hits on StopForumSpam - they end up in status "email: blacklisted". My understanding is that most of them are email providers which are deemed toxic by the StopForumSpam system. I think it would be a better...
  14. wmtech

    [WMTech] Unconfirmed Account Reminder 2.0.1

    Description: If you run a forum where you require your new members to confirm their e-mail address (as each cautious forum owner should do) you will see that many new accounts will not be confirmed and sit in your system forever. This product enables reminder mails to be sent to those members...
  15. anyeyongheng

    Not a bug Verification code sending failed

    Server error log ErrorException: Email to failed: [E_WARNING] stream_set_blocking() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given src/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/StreamBuffer.php:283 生成于: admin 2020-01-05, 00:07 Stack trace #0 [internal...
  16. Sim

    SparkPost Mail Transport 1.1.0

    Adds a SparkPost mail transport option to have all mails sent via your SparkPost account. Note that v1.x of this addon is not compatible with XenForo v2.2 - immediately after upgrading to XF v2.2, you must install v2.x of this addon available here...
  17. ActorMike

    Lack of interest Scheduled Time- Email Users

    Three years ago, I suggested this feature. Since then, Facebook/Instagram and Twitter all integrated this function. For busy people or just synching, it would be nice to be able to schedule the newsletter to be sent at a future time/date. Since it has been three years and other platforms do this...
  18. Complete

    XF 2.0 2FA Does Not Send Email Code

    It does not send the code, the authentication app works but not the the e-mail.
  19. creativeforge

    XF 2.1 Notification emails: where

    Hi, this could be embarrassing in the end (or right away), but I can't find a template to format the email we receive for new registrations. The fonts are barely legible. I asked the style's developer, initially he wondered if this was a Xenforo template. Is it? I searched the templates to...
  20. creativeforge

    XF 2.1 Email notification: "View Thread" doesn't lead to post?

    Since moving to 2.1 a week ago, the email notifications URL only leads to the first post of a thread, and not to the post I get notified about. How would I fix this? Thank you in advance! Andre
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