XF2 [8WR] XenRio 2 (Streams) PRO

XF2 [8WR] XenRio 2 (Streams) PRO

No permission to buy ($40.00)
  • Redirect links will now point to the actual live stream video, instead of the channel that video belongs to. This is important for channels that have multiple live streams, like on YouTube.
  • YouTube live streams will now store the most recent live stream in memory, so after all a stream ends, clicking on the channel link (if you have offline channels enabled) will play the most recent stream archive.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed the multi-viewer display for YouTube live streams. Keep in mind that if you want to add a live stream from YouTube, you must put in the actual stream URL, not the channel link.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the YouTube scraper would not find a channel's live streams, if the channel had an "upcoming" stream scheduled in front of the actual live streams.
  • YouTube integration has been changed once again. Apparently, Google only gives new developers 10,000 quota points per day, which is far less than the 100,000 I have. Searching for live streams on a single YouTube channel nearly blows this entire quota. If you have multiple YouTube channels, then you're screwed. So I've had to refactor the code to being a hybrid between API and HTTP scraping calls.
  • YouTube live streams will now display which "category" that stream belongs to.
  • YouTube live streams will now select their primary language if found.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed a bug that prevented variable imploding in PHP8+.
  • YouTube support has been COMPLETELY re-written. With the change to @custom_urls for channels, YouTube finally got their API working somewhat more consistently. So we've gone back to API scraping, instead of hitting the moving target of HTML scraping. As such, an API key is now required to continue using YouTube.
  • Glimesh support has been removed. #RIP
  • Support for VKPlay has been added. Chat embed is non-functioning, but everything else should be working fine.
  • Dead streams from services which have been removed will now return a proper 404 error, instead of a blank white page.
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Reactions: Kelley and Neal
  • Fixed an issue where Trovo would silently fail if it encountered a game without any active live streams.
  • Fixed an issue with Trovo embedding where a channel's username and it's nickname were in conflict.
  • You can now restrict Trovo listings by ISO language codes. Do keep in mind that unlike Twitch, this restriction is POST-scrape, rather than during-scrape. This means if you are restricting by games, Trovo will scrape the top 100 streams playing that game, in ANY language; then it will simply throw out any listings not playing approved languages. While Twitch would return 100 streams playing approved languages, Trovo could end up returning significantly less than that.
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Reactions: Frode789 and Neal
  • Support for Periscope has been removed as Periscope no longer exists.
  • Embed codes for Picarto have been added! Also fixed their API location.
  • Embed codes for Trovo have been updated. Do notice however that Trovo now requires you to get your website whitelisted before the embed codes will function. As such, you will have to email their developer program to get this process started.
  • Fixed some issues with the scraping of YouTube channels. Apparently, PHP has a limit on the amount of data you can feed into PCRE; and the default limit on PHP 7 is about 1mb. Some YouTube pages are bigger than that. As such, if a page was bigger than that, this addon would fail to parse that channel.
  • Twitch deprecated their old API this month. I already converted everything to their new API last year; but if you experience any issues, you should let me know.
  • Service icons have been added in the service menu.
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Reactions: DarkGizmo and Neal
  • Added support for Glimesh. Client-ID and Secret are required to use this service.
  • Removed support for Smashcast. You should delete this service if you have not done so already.
  • The multi-viewer will no longer list streams on services which do not support embeds.
  • BUG FIX: fixed YouTube scraping related to curly braces and semi-colons.
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Reactions: Neal
  • Updated the addon to be compatible with the PCRE changes in the most recent version of PHP. It will still work with the older versions of PHP without issues.
  • Fixed a bug where the default showcase background would not show for streams without games.
  • YouTube changed their code again... so now this addon is fixed to conform to their new code.
  • Made the showcase clickable. Left the bottom unclickable, so you can control the media.
  • Updated language phrases to be more inline with native formatting.
  • Cleaned up some formatting of the language menu and added the language to tiles.
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Reactions: Neal and Frode789
  • The "showcase" will now show up on all page-1s, instead of only on the index.
  • Showcase background images are now uploaded directly in the admin CP.
  • Completely redesigned the language menu. It is now more obvious what it does.
  • The language list will now always show, and is generated automatically based on the collection of all languages of current live streams, instead of being generated by your language restrictions. This way you will have a language menu, even if you are not restricting by languages.
  • Language selection is now stored in a cookie; instead of in the URL.
  • Language can now be determined on Periscope streams as well.
  • Fixed a bug where if a spelling of a game is not found when creating a game listing, the game will still be created and return "already exists" errors.
  • Fixed a bug related to Twitch API changes where game names are no longer getting registered.
  • You can now sort streams by language. The language menu will show up automatically if you have languages defined in your options. Only DLive, Smashcast, Trovo and Twitch return language codes.
  • The multi-viewer's "supported services" list will now only list services with embed codes.
  • Twitch's game restriction API is broken and often returns misaligned results. We've reverted back to scraping each game individually to avoid this.
  • Offline channel links to YouTube will no longer show broken embeds; they will instead link to that channel's most recent stream.
  • You can now add YouTube videos to the multi-viewer.
  • Adding streams to the multi-viewer will no longer crash the javascript if the URL is invalid.
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