XenCentral Invitation & Paid Registration System

XenCentral Invitation & Paid Registration System 1.6.0

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Q: What are Redirect URL values for Google, Facebook and Linkedin

A: Considering XenForo being installed at Application Development Examples: Custom Platform Apps - Salesforce.com the redirect URLs are:
Application Development Examples: Custom Platform Apps - Salesforce.com
Application Development Examples: Custom Platform Apps - Salesforce.com
Application Development Examples: Custom Platform Apps - Salesforce.com

Q: I have set redirect URL for Google application, but still getting error about missing product title or missing email.

A: Make sure to check the section "Consent Screen" of your application and fill-in all details.

Q: Users using Invite link get "You must be logged-in" message. What's wrong?

A: You should check if Unregistered usergroup has permission "Can Use System" in Invite System group.
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