Shades of Grey

Unmaintained Shades of Grey v2.2.10

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I noticed the buttons on the user profile card did not have a background color, so I added a medium grey background with a green hover as shown below (watch video). Previous versions did not show a background in this area.

Also, I added a new schema for versioning. The first 3 numbers identify the XenForo version the style was created/saved with, and the last number represents which version of Shades of Grey was saved to that style

Example: XenForo version: 2.1.3 + Shades of Grey version 0 =

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Small update, but an important one. @imno007 discovered that while typing/creating "Tags", the text was hard to see. The text was made white.
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Hello, everyone

At first glance, it may look the same as the previous version, but it is not ...Well, not exactly, anyway. I took the time to further blend the colors and shades to make it look the best I could. I also moved much of the CSS into the style properties area so as to make the "extra.less" file less crowded. :)

I hope you all enjoy the style, and as always, if you any issues, please let me know so I can make it right.


-Gator (Larry K.)

It was brought to my attention that the font color displayed using the BB Code was hard to read, so I changed them to pastel colors. They stand out better now and are easier to read against the dark background. If you never use the "Code" BB Code insert, you don't need this update.

This is the how it looks now with the new pastel colors
Minor update making the "Reports" number visible after selecting :
Refer to these posts for more information:

Thanks to @upnet for reporting the issue
Thanks to @Jordyn for the quick fix and response to @upnet's post
Added a narrow dark colored scrollbar
Made some minor color changes to be complaint with XenForo 2.1
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The last version (2.5) had an enlargement setting in the CSS for avatar size. This caused an issue with the mobile avatar size, and because of this, I have removed the snippet of code and re-uploaded the Shades of Grey files. If you don't feel like downloading and re-installing, all you have to is delete this code snippet as explained below, and the default XenForo Avatar size will go back to default.

Simply go to:

Appearance > Styles > Shades of Grey > Templates

and search for "extra.less" and look for
.avatar.avatar--m {
     width: 120px !important;
     height: 120px !important;

Delete this code snippet and that should fix the problem.
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Okay, I located the issue with my personal logos and favicons and all should be removed now. I also changed the "Style type" to "Dark." When I originally created the style, I didn't think it really made a difference what was checked, or the purpose of the two different types, but after downloading an "Add-on" I recently purchased, I realized what the setting was actually used for. Apparently, some add-ons may call for the style to match a dark or light theme, so it can be used in multiple themes.

I recommend that all users download and upload the latest version of the style.

Sorry again for the repeated updates, but I had to make it right.

NOTE: To better illustrate the "Style type" settings, check out these two links on my site while paying particular attention to the "Discord" Widget

XenForo Light
Shades of Grey (cream text)
I accidentally left my personal Logo URL in the style, so this version has it removed. Sorry about that. :)

If you have already installed version 2.3, just simply go to Admin CP > Appearance > Shades of Grey > Basic Options and check "Revert customized value" to clear my personal logos. You probably already figured that out, so no big deal. If not, I have uploaded version 2.4 which has this already cleared.
I made a few enhancements to the style in an effort to make it look better. You can check out my Demo site to see the changes I made. For example, I changed the solid line separating stickys into a dashed line with a different color. Its a little more subdued now, and I think it looks better. I also added a dark colored background for those who enable the character counter in the Xenforo editor. I made other small updates and changes, so I hope you like them. Again, stop by the site and see if it's something for you. If not, have a great day. :)
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