s9e Media BBCodes pack

Unmaintained s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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Added support for NYTimes Video
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Reactions: Adam Howard
If you have embeds that were made using the Mixcloud definition from this post, you can update them with the Post Content Find / Replace add-on using these settings:
        Quick Find: =mixcloud
Regular expression: ((\[media=mixcloud\])([^/]+/[^/]+)/(\[/media\]))i
Replacement string: $1$2$3
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Reactions: Adam Howard
Added support for Getty Images
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Reactions: Adam Howard
Trying out controls=2 in YouTube's player.
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Reactions: v2hao and rdn
Added CNBC and VEVO
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Reactions: Adam Howard
How to customize your Amazon associate tag

Go to the admin panel, search for "Amazon Product" in the top right and edit the Media Site's "Embed HTML". For example, if your Amazon associate tag is "foo-20":
<!-- AMAZON_ASSOCIATE_TAG=foo-20 -->
<!-- s9e_MediaBBCodes::renderAmazon() -->
The bad news is you'll have to do that every time you update.

If you're using the online configurator, there's a convenient box at the top and if you bookmark the URL after updating the value, you won't have to edit it every time.
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Reactions: Warning
Read this if you have used this add-on to post tweets.

Previously, tweets were stored using this form:
Now they are stored as the following:

If you have posted tweets with the old code, you'll need to update the posts. If you don't want to do it manually, I recommend using this Post Content Replacement Tool with the following settings:
        Quick Find: =tweet
Regular expression: (\[media=tweet\].*?(\d+)\[/media\])i
Replacement String: [MEDIA=twitter]$1[/MEDIA]
Updated Twitter, Facebook posts and Gist's iframes to pass information via the URL fragment rather than the query part. It's slightly more performant if there are several embeds on the same page.
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Reactions: Adam Howard
@Robby please test and report, thanks!
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