Member card stats and last activity in two columns

Unmaintained Member card stats and last activity in two columns

Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.0
  2. 1.1
  3. 1.2
This resource is not affiliated with XenForo Ltd.

This idea has been shamelessly stolen from digitalpoint, as per the thread here:

Simply paste the following code into EXTRA.css to change the existing member card design to have two columns with the stats on...
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Latest updates

  1. Timestamp moved to a new line

    A final tweak to also move the timestamp to a new line. Add this to the bottom of the previous...

Latest reviews

Much better, thank you!
Very Nice thanks
Amazing! Should be the default view, it looks a lot cleaner :).
Way better looking
Much appreciated, saved me a lot of time.
Very nice
Great modification ... Thanks :)
great improvement to the membercard
Very nice!
Very nice!
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