Implementing permissions across multiple user groups

Implementing permissions across multiple user groups

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 36 reviews

Very helpful in assisting with the creation of user groups and secondary user groups.
This was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much
Cannot believe after running XF's boards for 2 years you finally helped me understand the permissions system. Looks like I'll be overhauling my usergroups setup this weekend.
Great easy to follow - very clear
Awesome, it's much easier to manage usergroups permissions by following this guide. Thanks for this great tutorial ;)
I was making more work for myself in some of the secondary groups early on. Thanks.
Concise and super clear. Thanks!
Thank you. Happy that found this guide.
Before I read through this I thought I was doing everything right. Little did I know...
I've been doing it wrong for years... thanks Brogan!
Excellent resource.
Thank you for this.
Thanks a lot for this information!
Very handy quick reference to help get your head around the XF permissions system.
All yours explanations about permissions are very clear and a great source of learning. Thanks.
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