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How to extend user criteria (for use in trophies, upgrades and notices/notifications) 1.0

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Reviews 5.00 star(s) 8 reviews

Great Tutorial

Very clean and useful. Everything needed is fully explained

Thanks Chris for sharing your knowledge
EXCELLENT! This is the FIRST XF tutorial I've read that actually covers the BASICS -- the Development tab, Library folders, what Listener.php does, and how the hook mechanism works. I can't say I totally understood it, but I now know a lot more than I did. THANK YOU!!
Excellent guide! The screenshots and redacting are great! I have been struggling trying to find good development guides, so it was great when I found this. A clear and useful tutorial for us that want to start modifying XF. Thanks!
Sweet TY :) very helpful for my current clients custom job :) most of us appreciate the time it takes to write and submit guides like this.. I will contribute soon as i catch up.. Jumped on XF a lil too late :(
Great, thanks to the guide to extend trophies
Thanks for taking the time to write such a thorough and excellent guide, Chris!
Great work!
Chris D
Chris D
Thanks Fuhrmann :)
Awesome tutorial resource from Chris! Very helpful, very useful! :)
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