GoodForNothing Notification

Unmaintained GoodForNothing Notification 1.0.6 Update 3

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This version fixes an issue with a core file (and some other code refactoring).
This issue was posted by RoldanLT where an exception is thrown when the 'unread' alert count is set a negative value which occurred while marking an alert read. :)
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This version includes some changes in core files. And also added the requested feature where when a user clicks the poped'up alert, the alert will automatically be marked as read.


And also, I've created a GitHub repo: so if you have an account and want to post a suggestion/issue please use the GitHub issue to make my life a lil' bit easier :)
If CSS minification is enabled, some server might crash (mine didn't crash for some reason) while minifying the keyframes block. I've moved the keyframes to an external css file (already minified) to /styles/default/gfnnotify/keyframes.min.css which should fix this issue.

Also, there was an error in the User data writer proxy class which prevented change of the alert preference (silly me).

You might notice if you look into the code that I use a custom 'builder' to package my add-ons. This issue recently occurred so my guess is a friend who recently visited me might've changed part of the code to troll me.

Anyways, the missing files have been added. Enjoy! :D
It has been a long time since I updated this add-on. And here's a new feature that was requested: Allow users to select if they want to see popups or not:

P.S: This is enabled by default.
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Added conditional so that the required externals are only added when the user is logged in.

Also pushed the add-on to stable channel.
This version contains a fix for an unidentified internal server error issued by Apache that may or may not happen with you.
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Firstly, this version does not have the fix for the issue where some of you are getting internal server upon uploading as I still couldn't figure out why.

Issues fixed:
  • Alerts marking as read once the notification is showed.
  • Notifications about conversions were showing persistently.
  • Notification text not properly aligned on some browsers.
Changes to the system:
  • A new tables is added where all the already showed notification will be recorded (using sha1 hashing mechanism) so that notifications that were already showed will be skipped.
  • On the client side, the notification will only pup up if the target window is focused. Else, it will be queued so that when the window/tab is again selected the notifications will pop up.
  • Added style properties for notifications which can be found in AdminCP -> Appearance -> Style Properties -> GoodForNothing Notification (at the very bottom).
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A field was missing resulting in a wrong permalink for the PM notifications.
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