CTA Profile Page Avatar Blocks

CTA Profile Page Avatar Blocks 1.0.2

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Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
Visible branding
This add-on is not affiliated with XenForo Ltd.

Ever wanted to adjust the number of avatars displayed in the Following and Followers blocks on the member profile page, like this?


Well now you can!

I found that after increasing the width of the sidebar on the member page to accommodate 4 avatars per row, the default setting of 6 avatars was no longer ideal as the second row only had 2 avatars on it, leaving a blank space.

So rather than constantly editing the member.php file, I created this little add-on.
I was initially going to create it just for myself and hard code the values, but instead I decided to add some options and release it for others to use.

There are separate options for each block, set to 12 by default:

Which can be found near the bottom of the list of option groups:

Latest updates

  1. Updated the versioning

    This release is simply a change to the versioning. There is no need to update from 1.0.1 as...
  2. Bug fix

    Fixed a bug related to guests viewing member cards.

Latest reviews

Thanks Brogan, works great!
perfect ... thank you i hope you can put on pictures to your all works ..
picture's language is universal.
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