
Competitions 2.1.2

No permission to buy (£50.00)
The sort order is maintained when the filtered categories are changed.
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New features:
  1. Tabs on the competitions page to separate Open, Completed and (viewable with permission only) Unpublished competitions.
  2. Categories. Admin can create categories and then assign competitions to a category. Users can then use a category filter to see the competitions in the categories of interest.
  3. Filter also has options for users to sort competitions by different criteria.
  4. Competitions meta description text admin option added for use in the competitions hope page.
  5. EU countries option added to the list of allowed territories.
  6. Option to show a small alert badge next to the competitions menu item showing the number of new competitions since the user’s last visit. It’s exactly like the number of new messages badge. This is cleared when the user visits any competition page.
  7. Competition archive is now paginated.
  8. Competition archive is now filterable by keyword.
  9. Competition archive now contains a link to view a paginated list of the entrants for each competition. The list displays the text entry field (required by law in some territories) for each entrant.
  1. Territory (for competition entry eligibility) now determined via Cloudflare if available.
  2. Removed obsolete list configuration option from the admin setup page.
  3. Adjusted some phrases.
Bug fix:
  1. Uploaded images (excluding the thumbnail which needs to be a specific size for correct display in the sidebar) retain their original aspect ratio.
Separated out the permission to download competition opt-in CSV (on the archive page) from the general management permission to its own permission.
This enables the marketing team to download the opt-ins without giving them permissions to manage competitions.
For GDPR purposes, it's apparently required to have the date and time of the signup to a mailing list. The addition of that into the opt-in spreadsheet mitigates any potential GDPR issues.
  • Added automatic configuration for nodes to enable competition thread support on-the-fly (default=on).
  • Added options toggle to prevent auto node configuration (defaults to enabled)

The competition forum type needs to be enabled in a forum for a competition thread to correctly display tabs for the Competition and Discussion.
So we have added an admin option to automatically enable the competition type for a forum when a competition thread is created in it.
And we added the functionality to automatically enable competitions in forums on-the-fly when a competition thread is created there.
Admin is presented with an error if they try to create a competition where the thread's hosting forum does not have competition thread types enabled.
The 'no permission' to enter competition messages without any further information have been super annoying to us because members have been messaging us asking why they can't enter. That prompted this update.
Added the following new features:
  • Verbose error message support for territories. E.g. Eligible territories include: United Kingdom, France.
  • Verbose error message support for usergroup exclusion. E.g. You are a member of user group(s): Administrative
  • Verbose error message support for usergroup inclusion requirements. E.g. You are not a member of user group(s): Newsletter Subscriber
  • Admin toggles for verbose error message display.
  • Default allowed territories setting added in admin options.
  • Default minimum age setting added in admin options.
The marketing message wasn't being parsed. That's fixed in this version.
We also only support 2.2.x now.
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Fixes issue with competition discussion threads not being correctly associated with parent competition
Fixed a bug where duplicate winners would occasionally be picked.
New feature - competition widgets now have sort options:
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Prize Value
all in descending order
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