XenForo tips & guides [2.x]

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Create a time-line in Xenforo Grant
Use Custom BB Code and CSS to create timelines in your xenforo posts
How to disable certificate/peer verification for IMAP and SMTP so you can use a self-signed cert
[cXF] Mobile logo header BassMan
Show logo in mobile header, but in navigation when scrolling
DIY xf mega menu with image Mr Lucky
Easily make big multi-column menus with optional images etc...
[JoyFreak] Thread view/reply count JoyFreak
Display the number of views and replies in the thread description.
[OzzModz] Google Adsense tips and visual overview of ad positions Ozzy47
All the possible visual ad positions and some tips to get more out of your Google Adsense ads
[JoyFreak] Disable Member Tooltip JoyFreak
Disable member tooltip the efficient way with this quick and easy guide.
Display a notice in specific threads or forums Paul B
If you notice this notice you will notice this notice is not worth noticing
Delete private conversations in bulk. Wildcat Media
Bulk private conversations got you down? Here's how you can clean out those inboxes.
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