XenForo tips & guides [2.x]

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More obvious voting and solution marking for question threads Mr Lucky
Adds text prompts and thumbs up icons for voting (instead of chevrons)
A quick and simple way to update post counts for users.
Create a time-line in Xenforo Grant
Use Custom BB Code and CSS to create timelines in your xenforo posts
How to disable certificate/peer verification for IMAP and SMTP so you can use a self-signed cert
[cXF] Mobile logo header BassMan
Show logo in mobile header, but in navigation when scrolling
DIY xf mega menu with image Mr Lucky
Easily make big multi-column menus with optional images etc...
[JoyFreak] Thread view/reply count JoyFreak
Display the number of views and replies in the thread description.
[OzzModz] Google Adsense tips and visual overview of ad positions Ozzy47
All the possible visual ad positions and some tips to get more out of your Google Adsense ads
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