Template modifications [2.x]

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[cXF] Sidebar Widget Positions BassMan
Show widgets in What's new sidebar position.
Remove last post avatars AndyB
Removes last post avatars from forum list and forum view.
Merge Staff/Members Online Widgets Oblivion Knight
...merges the staff/members online widgets!
Robot Styling on Current Visitors Oblivion Knight
Better distinguishment of Robots on the Current Visitors list
Default Expand Media Categories Oblivion Knight
Implements intended XFMG behaviour of media categories being extended by default on desktops only.
Make BB-Code Toggler more visible Hoffi
With this small change you can give your BB-Code Toggler Button the attention that it deserves.
Enhance Post Sharing with Social Network Brand Icons Mouth
Add social network brand icons to post sharing instead of just the generic share icon
Links to a search for a user's posts in the thread and expands the posts in the search to full.
Scroll Progress ^[GS]^
Show a scroll progress bar.
[UH] Widget List Crash Test
Add the display order of the widget to the widgets page.
Parler Share Button (Template Mod) frm
Support free speech with a Parler share button
Clean 3 Column Custom Field Lists frm
Have custom fields display in 1-3 columns depending on screen size
Simply add your own entries to the XenForo header. Masetrix
Simply add your own entries to the XenForo header. Upgrade security even if XF upgrades replace temp
[cXF] Last post date on thread view BassMan
Add last post date below the thread title on thread view.
[cXF] Hide last seen and joined BassMan
Hide last seen and joined info based on user group permissions.
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