Smilies [1.x]

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SVG Basic Smilie pack MstrfBlng
This smilie pack replaces the default sprite smilies with SVG smilies
SVG Extended Smilie pack MstrfBlng
This smilie pack is an add-on for the SVG Basic Smilie pack
Angry Bird Smilies Shelley
Angry bird smilies that may appeal to gaming forums or dedicated angry bird sites
Facebook smiles for your community, import them again with the Smilie Importer by Waindigo.
Zombie Smilies Shelley
Zombie themed smilies that will appeal to sites like the walking dead etc :P (no **** sherlock)
ITD Animated 3D Smiles Part 1 XFA
ITD Animated 3D Smiles Part 1
The forocoches smilies ported to Xenforo.
Minecraft blocks as smileys for easy to write price lists, recipes, maps etc
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