Moderator tools [1.x]

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Warning Acknowledgement X
Allows forcing acknowledgement of a warning
Report Queues And Stats X
Extend Report Centre with multiple report queues and queue auto-assignment rules
Moderator Essentials X
Tools and Features that Improve Moderator Productivity.
Report Improvements by Xon X
A Collection of improvements to XF's reporting system
Crowd Moderation X
Allow your userbase to moderate messages by reporting them.
Alert uses who have downloaded a resource why it has been deleted.
Warning Improvements by Xon X
Collection of improvements to XF's warning system
Regex Moderation Thomas.B
Moderate posts with regular expressions to prevent obscured spam
Moderation Macros X
Improve moderator efficiently by providing single buttons for popular combos of actions
Allow moderators and administrators to be warned.
Create Thread On Warning w/ Conversation Message Brent W
Creates a new thread when you issue a warning to a user. Includes conversation message in thread.
Create Thread On Ban Brent W
Creates a new thread when a user is banned in a forum you specify.
Allows Stickies or Staff threads to be visible in a forum without "View threads by others"
Mark threads as solved/unsolved, with own permissions; and solved/abandoned banners
Add users to different groups depending on how they are banned.
sonnb - Report Alert sonnb
Send Alerts and Emails to Moderators for various Report actions
Promote and Demote User truonglv
Allow Moderator Or Admin Quickly Promote Or Demote User
Login as anyone on your forum, for any reason...
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