Better Blogs Importer

Unmaintained Better Blogs Importer 1.6.0 Beta

No permission to download
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.1
Additional requirements
User Blogs System 2.1.6
Visible branding
You have upgraded to XenForo 2.1 just to find out that your old blogs from Better Blogs/Good Enough Blogs are incompatible with the new version. No worries! Here is a free add-on to import all your blog posts, comments and media to the new User Blogs System from XenAddons.

How to:
  • Upgrade your forum to XenForo 2.1. This will keep Better Blogs/Good Enough Blogs data but disable the add-on:


  • Contact Bob and convince him to sell you his User Blogs System add-on just like I did
  • Install User Blogs System add-on
  • Install Better Blogs Importer
  • Navigate to Tools > Better Blogs Importer
  • Now decide the number of processes per page
    • Leave it 100 if you have a fast server
    • Set it to 10 if you have time
  • Click import and let the magic happen


Originally developed by @MilkyMeda for
Related resources
Recep Baltaş
First release
Last update


3.00 star(s) 2 ratings

Latest updates

  1. Beta Release

    Fix unknown column errors Overall code refactoring
  2. Better Blogs Importer 1.5.2

    Fixed setup error
  3. Better Blogs Importer 1.5.1

    Added english translation Some improvements

Latest reviews

This addon imported thousands of blog entries without a problem and saved me countless hours. Recommended.
Sadly doesn't use XF's native import functionality so cannot be run via the CLI, takes an exceptionally long time running in a browser with 5-figure blog counts.
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