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Unmaintained [bd] Widget Framework 2.6.6

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Reviews 4.89 star(s) 164 reviews

Excellent Idea, Like it
and this absolutely free
waiting for next features with the LIKE and G+ button in the side every title thread
Thank you for your help full add-on,
if anyone need to get more page views, i think this best one add-on for installed
Excellent! Very helpfull!
Full of features and works nicely
5 works perfect on XF 1.4.0 Beta 1
Thanks! I was looking this. :)
It makes customizing a site a breeze.
Most useful addon on Xenforo. Might be the most flexible too once you figure out everything it's capable of
While its a solid and strong piece of work, there still is some small things that could be improved.
It removes all sideblocks from addons, and there is not enough of standard block-addons.
But 4½ stars :)
Thanks for your helpful addon !!
This is a fantastic add-on. I recently migrated my site from vB and would not have been able to recreate blocks from my old site without it. I highly recommend it.
Best work.
Seems to be a really useful add-on with a lot of possibilities to the board, but for me it is too complicated to use, even with translation in my language. I'm not a technician or programmer and this add-on seems to need a lot of xenForo-specific technological knowledge which I don't have.
I really like this add-on
excellent addon, using it in all of my forums, no site can live without it :)
An awesome modification and a must have to get the best out of Extra Portal, thanks for making this.
The defacto Xenforo must have addon for sidebar customisation. ^^
This add-on adds a huge amount of functionality and customization to any forum. Highly recommended!
Wonderful! EXACTLY what I was looking for, and even MORE!
Indispensable! Has features that should be part of the core and Xenforo would definitely suffer for it if xfrocks ever stopped developing it
The best and very quick fix, Thanks !
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