
Top resources

  • s9e Media Sites
    s9e Media Sites
    Improves the performance and usability of media sites, and adds many popular new sites.
    • JoshyPHP
    • Updated:
  • Add-on Update Notifier
    Add-on Update Notifier
    🚨 Receive auto alerts when your 🛠️ installed add-ons have some 🆕 versions/updates available
    • mazzly
    • Updated:
  • UI.X 2
    UI.X 2
    The Ultimate Theme Framework
    • ThemeHouse
    • Updated:
  • Chat 2 by Siropu
    Chat 2 by Siropu
    Feature-rich, mobile-friendly chat application with Rooms, Private Conversations and more.
    • Siropu
    • Updated:
  • Implementing permissions across multiple user groups
    Implementing permissions across multiple user groups
    How to make best use of the cumulative permission behaviour
    • Paul B
    • Updated:

Trending resources

Latest reviews

  • Font awesome icons 2.3
    5.00 star(s)
    Fantastic documentation on all the Font Awesome nuances, thank you for taking the time for the...
    • BuildBridges
  • [XenCustomize] Events Manager
    5.00 star(s)
    I bought and installed the plugin (the developer takes great security measures for their...
    • hakyangler
  • Creating custom User banner styling
    5.00 star(s)
    Worked perfectly out of the box, even the optional fa icon! Need more tutorials like this...
    • unproperlypropagated
  • [Liam W.] Conversation Folders
    5.00 star(s)
    Awesome Developer, fixed a bug the very next day we reported. Being a free add_on, the dev went...
    • wp_arun
  • [MMO] Post Mention User
    5.00 star(s)
    he adds a very nice touch to the forum. thanks to the developer. I hope the user adds a mini...
    • hakyangler

Resource statistics

Disk usage
1.7 GB
[XTR] Unlimited User Group Banners XDinc
Best way to create unlimited user banners for user groups.
[OzzModz] Conversation Log Ozzy47
[OzzModz] Conversation Log 2.0.0 Patch Level 1
Allows you to read user messages
[OzzModz] Page Criteria: Date Ozzy47
Adds new page criteria depending on the current day of week or month
[OzzModz] Post Link Color Ozzy47
Change the color of links in posts
[OzzModz] Store Captcha Questions/Answers Ozzy47
Store captcha questions and answers
[OzzModz] XFRM: Downloads Country Restrict Ozzy47
Restrict resource downloads by users from specific countries
Frontier and WordPress
Move Sidebar Left Ozzy47
Move the native XF sidebar from right to left of the forum layout.
XFRM history AndyB
XFRM history 1.1 $35.00
Displays a history of your previously viewed resources.
Thread owner (starter) permissions truonglv
Give right permissions to thread owner (starter) for management their threads
Display group catalogs to help user quick navigating.
Redirect AMP -> canonical for search engine crawlers
Only Full Title MG Index Ozzy47
Shows only the full title on the thumbnails of the Media index page (XFMG).
[OzzModz] Inline Moderation Select All Permissions Ozzy47
Adds permissions for use of the "Select All" option
[OzzModz] Last Seen Permissions Ozzy47
Select which users/groups can see the last seen information
[OzzModz] Insert Full/Thumbnail Image Permissions Ozzy47
Ability to remove permissions to insert full/thumbnail images
Shades of Blue Gator
A dark theme alternative for XF 2.x
[OzzModz] Collapse Hamburger Menu Ozzy47
Collapse the annoying hamburger menu.
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