[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO

Unmaintained [8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO 1.2.2b

No permission to buy ($40.00)

Reviews 4.59 star(s) 51 reviews

Disclaimer: As rude as it sounds, I don't care about the personal live of the developer and personal choices he has made in the past. This review is intended for the software XenPorta 2 and level of support it received up to version 1.0.5a only.

First I want to talk about XenPorta 1. XenPorta 1 was a decent add-on, but it had a few issues which prevented me from using it. Mostly those issues are not issues per se, but missing features. I have suggested features and some were added, some not. Sometimes I felt ignored and would wipe XenPorta 1 completly from my installation out of frustration (multiple times). From my experience, support for XenPorta 1 has been disastrous (for some, perhaps the biggest issue with XenPorta 1).

Fast forward comes the announcement of XenPorta 2, which promised to be more feature rich and supported add-on, because it was a paid add-on. The development took nearly a year, so when it was released I was eager to check it out. The price of $40 seems very reasonable to me. I was relieved that my missing suggestions had been implemented (including a much needed tags feature, which can greatly enhance your site if used correctly). Other features and improvements are a dedicated authors page and authors block, better performance, support for three different types of comments (local, disqus and facebook), a category filtering option etc.

With XenPorta 1 you couldn't quite mimic a WordPress based news/magazine site due to missing features, but with XenPorta 2 this is possible now. As far as I know, XenPorta 2 is the only add-on for XenForo that can do this. There are other solutions but they don't have the feature set to compete with WordPress.

Features are good and all, but they are only good as long as the product is supported, because what use has a software if you are stuck trying to solve an issue? I have been monitoring the XenPorta 2 thread closely and fortunately the support has been great. Unlike with XenPorta 1 in the past, the developer answers questions, solves issues and even implements features users request very quickly. It even exists a FAQ. It's obvious that the developer puts effort into supporting his add-on. I hope the level of support will continue and am looking forward to the future of this add-on.
The so long waited XenPorta 2.0 is there with tons of new things, tons of possibilities and on top of that, easier than ever. A must have for those who wants a portal (or multiples ones !) on their board !
Xenporta2 is an addon that I needed for my forum to really give that last edge of professionalism. 1 word for the addon "EPIC".
I had questions regarding the addon as well, but jaxel is giving me awesome support and he's fast as well.
Superb addon. Suits my needs perfectly, Jaxel's support is second to none. Can't recommend it highly enough. been waiting for what felt like a lifetime for it to be released, and it was definitely worth the wait. worth every penny.
XenPorta 2 PRO is anticipated update for that ever popular XenForo portal addon. Jaxel is performing marvelous job in responding to the needs of licensed users. Updates are distributed routinely. You need this addon! Thank you Jaxel
I've been dying to have XenPorta on XF 1.3++ Then it happen. This is really worth every cent You plan to spent on XF plugin. Work like a charm. Does what it supposed to do.
As soon as this came out, I was extremely excited. As a long time XP user, I was definitely not disappointed with the additions that Jaxel made. Everything is improved and it's well worth the money.

Also, a really nice FAQ.
Jaxel fixes bugs fast, and it's much better than xenporta 1, but at the same time keeps all the good functionality. This might make me consider removing bd's widget framewwork and xentag because this addon replaces those, even though they are great addons also
The flexibility of the new XenPorta2 version is significantly greater than the original (which was also excellent). Yeah, the wait was longer than anticipated, but I never fretted, knowing the product would be worth the wait! Top quality stuff here!
Works very well! Jaxel's add-ons are continuously getting better! I highly recommend this add-on for anyone looking for a "front page" that delivers everything when there's news!
this is very user-friendly, thanks! Def worth the money. It is a lot more advanced than the free unmaintained one. Thanks for the release, i recommend this addon.
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