Recent content by NikolaLeon

  1. N

    XF 2.0 403 forbidden

    Hello Well basically, last time I wrote about this there wasn't any solution offered nor I can find the thread anymore. Problem is the following; Very often when trying to browse forums of our website we get error 403 forbidden. Please note that this only happens with XF. We are on same...
  2. N

    XF 2.0 Post profile field

    Can someone assist? Thanks
  3. N

    XF 2.0 Unable to read e-mail sent from XF board (COLOR)

    Need assistance for this problem: The emails such as 2wayfactor auth are very hard to read. How does one go around changing this? Also, as a side note, the 30 days remember stuff for 2 step verfication does not work. Maybe if cookies are deleted which makes it really...
  4. N

    XF 2.0 Post profile field

    Hello. I am wondering how you go around making stats and other stuff visible here: such as post count, contact etc. Thanks
  5. N

    [xFv] Founding Members [Deleted]

    Hey, silly question, but; how do you add someone to founder?
  6. N

    XF 2.0 phpBB bbcode import and parse tool

    Would like to know if there is an importer tool for bbcodes for phpBB to xenforo. We recently moved to XF but there are a lot of stuff left such as bbcodes. Thanks
  7. N

    Titan 🎮 [Paid]

    I couldn't change the link because register button goes away and only login left. See: I also clicked on "revert" so can't even find said template anymore. Can you please assist me how to add it back and paste me code for said template where registration leads to url...
  8. N

    RM 2.0 Remova share icons?

    How do I remove share icons like whatsapp and stuff from my resources? How can i set other ones? thanks
  9. N

    Titan 🎮 [Paid]

    Also, when you are in the text editor. And when you highlight certain area of text it is black and it's barely noticable. Can this be changed to some color such as orange tone? Thanks
  10. N

    XF 2.0 Group ribbon/rank design

    I've been looking around but couldn't find a working way to find a template for user group ribbon style. I want apply same style with different name and color for certain groups possibly via CSS. Is there a template or tutorial how to achieve this?
  11. N

    Titan 🎮 [Paid]

    It's quite allright then not a problem. Very awesome stlye and using it. However., can you please guide me where I can change this "register" button to lead to something else? Because we use external registration system. I would simply need to redirect that button to a certain URL. See...
  12. N

    [AH] Discord Widget

    I just rebuilt the installation and it worked. FOr whatever reason. Thanks
  13. N

    XF 2.0 Uploading avatar, signature and images

    Hello. I am little bit lost with how to setup users NOT to upload images and store them on our server. We have a very big board and recently moved from phpbb to here. This is only thing I can see: No option for remote avatar/image url
  14. N

    XF 2.0 Registration and password redirect

    Hello. I would like to know which template/file you edit where basically I can change different link where password resets/registrations. So when i click on "forgot pass" that actually redirects me to say
  15. N

    XF 2.0 File health errors

    Hello. I am getting the following as an error. Could it be because images were previously compressed via PNG gauntlet? Thanks Re-run check Check completed on 4,243 files. We found some problems with the following files. Please resolve these issues as soon as possible...
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