Recent content by 1966Mustang

  1. 1966Mustang

    XF 2.0 How to embed Google forms to Xenfore

    This works for me: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <bb_codes> <bb_code bb_code_id="gform" bb_code_mode="replace" has_option="no" trim_lines_after="0" plain_children="0" disable_smilies="0" disable_nl2br="0" disable_autolink="0" allow_empty="0" allow_signature="0" title="Link to Google...
  2. 1966Mustang

    XF 2.2 Correct Paypal IPN Settings in 2.2x

    Thanks for your confirmation on the IPN config. This is a business PP account.
  3. 1966Mustang

    XF 2.2 Correct Paypal IPN Settings in 2.2x

    Hello, Trying to figure out what paypal wants in order to 'sell' virtual products - upgrades... So, not really sure if it's me or paypal - I have my IPN in paypal set to I keep getting... Update the status of your service or virtual product sale and the...
  4. 1966Mustang

    XF 2.2 Add drop shadow or border to images/embeds in posts?

    How can I add borders or other effects to images in posts? Thanks
  5. 1966Mustang

    Why do forums fail?

    Yes, this is important - Set up your page, advertise your forum, get your members that are on FB to like your page, have a signup link to /register and poke something into the page now and then. Try to watch what replies/questions come and gently point them to a thread in your forum if...
  6. 1966Mustang

    Why do forums fail?

    Received this email this morning: These guys are the best :D
  7. 1966Mustang

    Why do forums fail?

    :D I forgot to mention some still access interweb via dialup.
  8. 1966Mustang

    Not a bug Vulnerability Type: No Password Length Restriction leads to Denial of Service

    Yes, these are going around - received the SPF/DKIM one a couple days ago... I was not aware that AWS rt53 deprecated the 'SPF' type DNS record....
  9. 1966Mustang

    Password controls - Banning bad passwords - i.e. rockyou.txt

    Just made a long post to my users who have not updated their passwords in years. This was done because one of my users contacted me bright and early that he received an email with his site password in the Subject line. Supposedly the attacker was going to release videos and images of the...
  10. 1966Mustang

    Why do forums fail?

    I think most of my users remember when BBS's were the rage. Many have @aol emails. But, really those that come and stay are a hardcore technical lot, They have their debates but normally cool down and have a 🍻 . I am not aware of someone breaking off in exodus. Oh, wait - back in the day...
  11. 1966Mustang

    Why do forums fail?

    I've asked myself many of these questions, mostly around why do I continue to run the community/forum I am running. We have a niche, it's personally interesting to me, we have subject matter experts and have content that people care about. I think that Big Social is a poor substitute for...
  12. 1966Mustang

    MG 2.2 Image embed - is it me?

    Disabling: Gets me what I need. Kinda like it better without the lightbox nav anyhow.
  13. 1966Mustang

    MG 2.2 Image embed - is it me?

    Ok, added to the menus under BB Code button manager - that's a nice touch, thanks for making that easy. (y) I get the copy image link: So, when I visit that Link above... Now I see the full page view. How do I get to the full page view...
  14. 1966Mustang

    MG 2.2 Image embed - is it me?

    From one of my site members: "I was able to upload some pics into " My Albums". I'm not clear how to insert pics into a forum post or how to link for other forums." I'm assuming he wants to: embed individual media items from his album into posts on the forum embed his individual media items...
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