XFCoder :: Latest XF Threads Widget for WordPress

XFCoder :: Latest XF Threads Widget for WordPress

No permission to download
This plugin isn't in the WordPress repository, I only posted it here. So yes please try installing from scratch and also try scanning your installation for viruses/hacks.
This plugin isn't in the WordPress repository, I only posted it here. So yes please try installing from scratch and also try scanning your installation for viruses/hacks.
Thanks, that's what I was doing right now, although I doubt they've sneaked in a virus/hack, but I'm not ruling it out either.

Sorry for the inconvenience, I'll see if reinstalling from 0 solves it and that ghost "update" doesn't appear again.

Greetings and thanks for your attention
Hello again,

I have redone the installation from 0, I have checked the entire system in search of some type of modification, unknown access, etc...

Once I have made sure that nobody has accessed the system and that there are no viruses or hacks, first of all I have emptied all kinds of existing cache, I have even generated a new API key from the forum administration for the WordPress plugin.

But the problem is still the same, it only loads the latest threads, new forum posts don't load.

Can you think of what may be happening? It's not a big problem for me either, since I can leave a single widget with the latest themes, but all this already has me intrigued.

I don't use any type of proxy or anything that could interfere in between.

I have already regenerated the widget a couple of times, but all without success, the only thing that occurs to me is that the cron task in charge of pushing the changes is not doing it, I will also check it in the meantime.

I will now look at group permissions and other plugins in case any of them might be causing this problem, the WorPress version I use is the most recent.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience
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