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Share Xenforo users/pass with blueimp's ajax chat

The Dark Wizard

Well-known member
This is a wonderful full chat sized ajax chat made by blueimp @ https://blueimp.net/ajax/

This chat allows for users to change their username using /nick for example. my main user is The Dark Wizard but i do /nick Thog and it makes me (Thog) and the () let people know its a temp name. This is very handy because we run a writing/roleplaying community and this chat room is used by all sorts of groups to run their exalted/dungeons and dragons and a zillion other games and we managed to code an advanced dice roller for it. It can also have different channels which is really important.

My request is if any one can help integrate it with xenForo so when a user logs into the forums he doesn't have to have a separate chat name?(Existing chat that works like this for xF is also acceptable). People have integrated it with vB and many other things and it would be a shame if it cant work for the awesome that is xF.
If it helps. I will gladly pay for your services :). This is the only thing stopping us from a full switch to xF because we depend on our ajaxchat a great amount.
Any luck with this? BlueImp's Ajax Chat is one of the best and should be possible to integrate :)
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