XF 2.2 PHP 8.2 should I upgrade?

In my opinion, I would upgrade to PHP 8.3, because it is better for lifecycle-long support and new features, as you can use PHP 8.3 fix patch
It's not a good idea to do that on a production system until it's officially supported. At the moment, only 8.2 is supported in 2.2.15, so you shouldn't go further than that. Feel free to do so on a test system though and if anything breaks, report it to the devs on here.
Ok, found the issue. I use cpanel so it's easy to flip between php versions.

To find it, I ticked display_errors in the php options.

This showed me the following error:

Fatal error: Uncaught LogicException: Cannot load Memcached cache provider without Memcached

I ticked memcached as an php extension to utilise it and problem is solved, forum is working on php 8.2.

This might be useful for others who come across the same issue.
It's not a good idea to do that on a production system until it's officially supported. At the moment, only 8.2 is supported in 2.2.15, so you shouldn't go further than that. Feel free to do so on a test system though and if anything breaks, report it to the devs on here.
I understand your caution. I've tested the forum with PHP 8.3 and found no issues. I think the upgrade offers good long-term benefits. Ultimately, running it on a test system first is a solid plan. Thanks for considering!
I understand your caution. I've tested the forum with PHP 8.3 and found no issues. I think the upgrade offers good long-term benefits. Ultimately, running it on a test system first is a solid plan. Thanks for considering!
Ok, I see where you're coming from and it's your call if you think the risk is small. tbh, by this point, it probably is quite small.
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