Dark Mode does not work well with [color]

I get it. But I'm really not sure we'd be looking to do anything about this.

This is no different than before style variants were a thing and you could set your text color to the same as the post background container. Or set it to a yellow or light blue colour, for example, that might be hard to read on a light background.

I'm leaving this open, but I'm not sure there's a sensible way to solve this problem without removing the ability to set colours in posts at all.

EDIT: I know there's a potential issue with copy/pasting text that already has colours but I think we're already sufficiently removing those on paste (and have done for a while, although it was broken briefly with 2.3).
I have mine set to system and i don't have this issue.
That being said, i have seen the same thing as Kirby happen to other people.
Other sites such as youtube have the same issue.
This is no different than before style variants were a thing and you could set your text color to the same as the post background container. Or set it to a yellow or light blue colour, for example, that might be hard to read on a light background.
While it is certainly true that the root issue (users can set an arbitrary text color) has always been there I think that dark mode does make a difference:
Until now there was no dark mode, the default style was just light.
I might be wrong, but I think the majority of forums so far only use dark or light styles.
So if users did use colors, they most likely used colors that were okay with the single background color.

But now three will be dark and light backgrounds; some users will use one variante (and choose colors that work there) while others use the opposite variant.

Depending on the user audience there might be a noticable amount of (existing) posts that use problematic colors and thuse dark mode could amplify the issue.

I'm leaving this open, but I'm not sure there's a sensible way to solve this problem without removing the ability to set colours in posts at all.
That was my frist thought as well and this is what I told our community managers (who reached out for me to fix as they got user complaints).
After thinking a bit more about this there might be a way though to still allow at least some colors in posts wihtout running into contrast issues:

What about a new BB Code ([PALETTECOLOR] or whatever) that allows users to chose from a set of admin defined colors?
Instead of directly rendering a specific color, this new BB code would render colors defined by style properties - which could be switched easily when switching mode.

While this doesn't fix issues with [COLOR] in existing content and does not allow full flexibility it would allow a somewhat clean path to support some colors in user generated content and not run into contrast issues.
While this doesn't fix issues with [COLOR] in existing content and does not allow full flexibility it would allow a somewhat clean path to support some colors in user generated content and not run into contrast issues.
Developers are not interested in this, judging by the messages in this thread https://xenforo.com/community/threa...-contrast-in-light-and-dark-styles-e-g-darken -lighten-the-rendered-color.198237/
Ever since the alpha was installed here, it has been impossible to read some threads and messages with different design styles. And it was clear from the very beginning that this problem must be solved immediately with the advent of the dark style. Because if you only have one light style, like most administrators, then no one will even worry about colors as such.
The idea of inverting colors is not a bad one, but most likely it’s just possible to ban the use of a tag in messages at the administrator’s discretion.
And it’s really not convenient to read the forum when people set colors and since the installation of the alpha there have been a lot of messages that are not pleasing to the eye or need to be read carefully or something else. As an example here
I just made an add-on that removes this bb-code and removes the color formatting.
Ever since the alpha was installed here, it has been impossible to read some threads and messages with different design styles.
That was a specific bug which has now been fixed though. Not retroactively, but the root cause has been fixed so it shouldn't happen any more.

The only cases you will see this happening now is if someone has deliberately used a text colour that doesn't contrast with the background of a specific style variant.
It should be an easy fix using CSS mix-blend.
This is cool but could get wonky quickly.

The thought i had was the possibility of a contrast pass on template save or css save, somewhere. and a warning pop up in the admin panel.
'are you sure you want this color? it's dang close to the background of @postbody' or something like that.

As mentioned, there's no good way to fix it.
There has to be some onus on the user/admin.
But there needs to be visibility that it is an issue so the admin can act accordingly.

If it's inline in a post, perhaps the user can get a prompt -- hey it looks good on white, but others using dark won't be able to see it. Are you sure you want to use that color?

I never use dark and frankly i hadn't considered testing with it.
It seems like Invision is adressing this issue (to some extend):

A common challenge with rich text editors on sites with multiple themes is colors often need to consistently look right across all themes. This is even more important with Invision Community 5, as it has a native dark mode feature. For this reason, we opted to offer a reduced set of color options that all adapt dynamically to the theme. I mentioned this about box colors above, but this is also true of the font color. The difference in shade is slight, but it's very noticeable without it. Toggling between light and dark mode will never produce unreadable text.
I have already removed the color icon from the editors of all forums I manage.

The only issue now is that I have no way to remove the colors from existing posts from days past when we still had the color option. (Basically, just want to revert the colored text to the default text color of the forum styles in use.) Some of the CSS I tried either didn't work, or it worked...but also affected colors elsewhere. I've had a thread open for years now (in the customization area?) but don't think we've ever figured out a way to do it.

It seems like Invision is adressing this issue (to some extend):
They showed an example of colors and how they can adjust the shading, but not what happens if black text tries to display on a black background. Even if they limit it to just a few colors in the editor for current and future posts, that still leaves old posts on a forum that might be coded in black or white, or other unreadable colors/shades, by the forum user.

Just thinking out loud here...
Long thread, maybe inserted text could be inside an outlined different color bubble. I'm no CSS guru but I wonder if a CSS coding would work.
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