Recent content by pattycake2

  1. P

    XF 2.2 Getting issue Oops! We ran into some problems.

    it's really frustrating when an op posts a problem with a vague issue/explanation, and then says someting like ""I solve the issue"" without telling everyone how he fixed the problem or even what the problem was. Stepping down off the soap-box.
  2. P

    XF 2.2 Display member count

    I am an idiot... now I see it. Sorry
  3. P

    XF 2.2 Display member count

    I can't seem to find how to display the total member count on the home page. Does it require an add-on?
  4. P

    XF 2.2 Manually Upgrading an account doesn't sem to do anything

    A GREAT BIG "NEVER MIND" - I figured out the problem. I did not set the secondary level for each of the upgrades. Like I said before.... I AM AN IDIOT. PLEASE IGNORE THIS POST BELOW - LEAVING IT HERE SO PEOPLE CAN SE WHAT I'M SAYING "NEVER MIND" ABOUT. The process I detailed out in this post...
  5. P

    XF 2.2 How to manually upgrade an account

    I found the "Manually Upgrade User". Admincp, then Users->User Upgrades, then click the Actions link on the level that you want to manually upgrade to.
  6. P

    XF 2.2 How to manually upgrade an account

    Apparently this is not the correct method - but thats what I've been doing. See my next post on the correct method to manually upgrade a user.
  7. P

    XF 2.2 How to manually upgrade an account

    don't see "List User Upgrades, nor Controls, nor Manually Upgrade User I see Users -> User upgrades (not List User Upgrades) Not sure where the Manually Upgrade User link is, or the List User Upgrades When I click User upgrades, I get this: (btw: if I click "Downgrade", nothing seems to...
  8. P

    XF 2.2 How to manually upgrade an account

    I'm struggling withe User Upgrades. I found a post where another admin was having problems too and a reply that said:: I tried by adding the secondary group (of a user upgrade level) to a test user but he doesn't show up as an Active or InActive account in User>User Upgrades So, How do I...
  9. P

    XF 2.2 How to use Upgrade Users correctly

    I'm pretty sure I have been doing Account Upgrades incorrectly I have 4 user groups that I have setup as secondary levels.. Basic (everyone gets put into this secondary group when they sign up) Silver - 1st upgrade level Gold - 2nd upgrade level Platinum - 3rd upgrade level. When they click...
  10. P

    Fake accounts - signup

    The Ozzy registration has now caught 27 of the registrations - I have not had a single fake registration since installing the add-on. I say "Problem Solved". Thank you Ozzy - If anyone is having any fake registration issues, I highly recommend his registration add-on - $30 is a cheap price...
  11. P

    Fake accounts - signup

    btw: The Ozzy registration has now caught 8 of the registrations and, I have not had a single fake signup since installing the add-on
  12. P

    Fake accounts - signup

    i installed the Ozzy registration add-on and it seems to be doing the job of keeping them out - already had three that were blocked today. Looks like he is able to detect a bot versus a human at registration
  13. P

    B)T versus Human and VPN

    Is it possible to tell if a signup is a BOT versus a human? Is it possible to tell if a member is using a VPN?
  14. P

    Fake accounts - signup

    I have been getting a rash of fake registrations - only a very few complete the signup by validating their email but most are fake non-exiting email addresses and never complete the process by validating their email addresses.. 100% of the fake logins answer questions like "Location" with two...
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