Recent content by olgert zerbaska

  1. O

    [XFA] RM Download Tracker [Paid]

    It works perfect so far
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    XF 2.2 Automated account upgrade not working?

    I assume you already know you must have business account to accept payments
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    XF 2.2 Field 'index_criteria' doesn't have a default value in src/XF/Db/AbstractStatement.php at line 230

    Anyone has found a solution on this? the index_criteria is found at xf_template db template Can you share that please?
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    XF 2.2 How to show recent user upgrades in the sidebar widget

    Can you share forum link with this widget?
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    xenforo mail settings?

    On the registration settings make the changes as shown in screenshot Then with css or template modification hideo or remove the unchecked options shown on the screenshot so the user won’t change it back What I showed is for new registrations, to make those changes (screenshot 2) for the...
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    XF 1.5 Showing start rating on google search

    I have manually applied this to a client and worked only in few resources. In my opinion XenForo is not good for that purpose
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    XF 2.2 How to make the home page as 2 columns in default theme

    You don't need to edit templates, only with css. If you can provide the site url maybe I can help
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    XF 2.2 How to make the home page as 2 columns in default theme

    With some css you can make it inline, it seems ugly to me
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    PayPal as guest?

    Paypal allow guest checkout if the payment is non recurring only
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    XF 2.2 Navigation for pages

    1- Create new navigation menu at /admin.php?navigation/add My custom navigation: Parent navigation entry: empty Type: Basic Link: Empty This is an unliked navigation and when the user click on it it will show the drop down with sub-navigations 2- Create new navigation menu at...
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    [OzzModz] XFRM: Tag Positions

    Do you have something similar for threads?
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    Event data received from Stripe does not contain the expected values

    I confirm what @K a M a L said, this error shows when you use more than one forum in your stripe account. 2 years ago my friend had 2 forums active, when we added the second webhook we’re able to receive payments but the user upgrade wasn’t working. After trying different things we figured out...
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    XF 2.2 Running a sql query

    Cna you share with us please what sql you run?
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    XenForo Wonderful Search [Paid]

    @Katsuro Except the live search feature what’s the difference between your addon and elastic search/enhanced xf search ? I don’t own any but I have bookmarked your resource few months ago and I would like to see a comparison
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