Recent content by mattrogowski

  1. mattrogowski

    [TH] User Criteria Extended

    It would appear then that your user isn't eligible for some reason. Also, this criteria isn't actually from our addon, this is a core XenForo criteria. The user criteria system is a core feature, our addon adds new criteria but this isn't one of them. You'd need to open a support ticket with XF...
  2. mattrogowski

    [TH] User Criteria Extended

    XenForo only runs promotions on users who have been active within the past 2 hours. If users active within that time haven’t been promoted, it’s likely just that the cron hasn’t run yet. However if you’re expecting large numbers of existing users to be upgraded, they won’t be unless they’ve been...
  3. mattrogowski

    XF 2.3 Traits in XenForo

    Controller Plugins sort of act like traits for shared behavior in controllers, and Entity Behaviors allow for shared behavior on saving and deleting. For other uses you can just use traits.
  4. mattrogowski

    [TH] Donate

    I don't believe this is supported, no. We don't have any plans to disassociate the donations from a campaign, but the goals are optional. The campaigns are simply the way the donations are listed, there has to be some way to display them. I'm not sure what the real world difference would be...
  5. mattrogowski

    XF 2.2 PHP 8.2 should I upgrade?

    Definitely not a good idea considering 7.4 has been totally unsupported by PHP since November 2022. That's one very significant reason to upgrade. This line of thinking is also what keeps people using very old versions forever, which holds developers back from being able to use newer PHP...
  6. mattrogowski

    [TH] User Criteria Extended

    We no longer update our addon resources here, if you use our Install and Upgrade addon it should notify you of newer versions in your Admin CP for any addons you have a licence for on your account.
  7. mattrogowski

    XF 2.2 Stripe and more webhooks (providers)

    Hm, it shouldn't do, XF responds with a 200 OK status when logging this error so as far as Stripe is concerned it's been accepted. Check the Stripe webhook logs to see which ones returned an error response and what the status and message body was.
  8. mattrogowski

    XF 2.2 Stripe and more webhooks (providers)

    All a webhook is is a HTTP request to the specified URL - it has no semantic understanding that a particular payment is only relevant to one of the sites it notifies. Each event in Stripe isn't linked to a specific webhook URL, so it will notify them all for all events. So Stripe isn't doing...
  9. mattrogowski

    [XenConcept] Login As User [Paid]

    There is a bug with the moderator log entry, when logging out of the account you logged into as. The user_id column in xf_moderator_log gets set to the currently logged in user ID, which then stores the log as being performed by that user. This means when you go to the moderator log in the ACP...
  10. mattrogowski

    No query registered for [match_none]

    Ah I didn't notice the ID in there, it seems to be related to deleting a node and having a stale thread in the database, so that makes sense, thanks.
  11. mattrogowski

    No query registered for [match_none]

    Tried searching but ironically there were no matches 🥁 ... Anyway, as of earlier today I've been seeing these errors logged by the hourly similar threads rebuild: XFES\Elasticsearch\RequestException: Elasticsearch error: No query registered for [match_none]...
  12. mattrogowski

    Why should I buy this?

    Out of interest, why would you stop using the theme because it requires a helper addon? 🤔
  13. mattrogowski

    [TH] Featured Threads and Content Portal

    Yes, that's where they're designed to show as there's limited space to show it anywhere else. The HTML for the avatar is around line 243 of the thfeature_macros template, you'd need to play around with restructuring this HTML so that message-avatar site alongside message-userDetails.
  14. mattrogowski

    [TH] Featured Threads and Content Portal

    Can you upload a more complete screenshot of that page? I'm not sure what theme you're using but I can't see anywhere by default that has an avatar that small where it is there. To make them circular, edit thfeature.less, around line 43 remove .avatar {border-radius: 0;}
  15. mattrogowski

    Article and Forum Connect: XenForo and WordPress

    You would be able to do that theoretically, yes. The plugin only deals with posts as it creates the associated thread, and as you say pages don't have comments - even if comments were added though the plugin wouldn't attempt to create a thread, or an associated page node either. But the way...
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