Recent content by Kier

  1. Kier

    Fixed Font Awesome icons not showing

    It is in XF 3... <xf:icon class="fa-chevron-left" />
  2. Kier

    XF2.3 feedback and comments

    We intentionally make use of black in order to allow OLED and mini LED displays to save energy. While the colours may seem to be quite contrasty, many are at the lower limit of contrast for Lighthouse to consider the design accessible. Of course, admins may trivially change the default colours...
  3. Kier

    Javascript debugging with PhpStorm and Google Chrome using your own Chrome profile

    This is a tutorial to get Javascript debugging working in PhpStorm with Chrome while using your own Chrome user profile. The goal here is for PhpStorm to open a Chrome window for debugging purposes using your own user profile, rather than an arbitrary one that doesn't have any of your open tabs...
  4. Kier

    Javascript debugging with PhpStorm and Google Chrome using your own Chrome profile

    Kier submitted a new resource: Javascript debugging with PhpStorm and Google Chrome using your own Chrome profile - Definitive instructions for something that shouldn't be this complex. Read more about this resource...
  5. Kier

    XF2.3 feedback and comments

    Quote and reply are sorted now, do a hard-refresh to get the latest JS.
  6. Kier

    Replace the editor

    ^ (it is)
  7. Kier

    XF 2.3 Embed your content anywhere

    I'm not sure I fully understand the request. Are you requesting that group A be prevented from embedding content type X but allowed to embed type Y, while group B can embed both?
  8. Kier

    Lightning sucks.

    Started to rebuild the data cupboard and found some more evidence...
  9. Kier

    XF 2.3 Image optimization, enhanced image resizing, and more!

    I’ll shout louder next time :)
  10. Kier

    XF 2.3 Image optimization, enhanced image resizing, and more!

    Not sure I understand, surely there are no restrictions on any emoji with XF as is?
  11. Kier

    XF 2.3 Boosting performance in XenForo 2.3

    Fixed in 2.3
  12. Kier

    General 2.3 discussion

    Sorry for the delay, we had a YouTube glitch and we're having to wait for processing... if we're still awake when it's finished we'll post, otherwise it will be first thing in the morning 🥱
  13. Kier

    Lightning sucks.

    Consolation prize arrived… 🥃
  14. Kier

    Lightning sucks.

    The gear in my office is on a big APC UPS, as is the main network gear including the core switches and the internet router, which have their own UPS. However, it would appear that the UPS for the networking gear didn't save the equipment, as a picture is beginning to emerge of a massive power...
  15. Kier

    Lightning sucks.

    The APC may have been what saved the gear in my office
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