Recent content by James

  1. J

    12 Years of Forums. What have you learned?

    What if I want to have sex religiously with a politician, and a glass of cordial?? Just kidding - it's actually an excellent rule. Beats Russia getting involved like has ALLEGEDLY happened in a few important democratic moments... 😬
  2. J


    Tbf was gonna make a comment.. Didn't wanna put my foot in it. I'll stay sole-o.
  3. J

    Managing XenForo on mobile only ?

    Or a second-hand Intel compute stick straight into the TV with a wireless mouse and keyboard if you need PC-like functionality.
  4. J

    Managing XenForo on mobile only ?

    Most likely as I'd imagine vat is charged based on the country of origin of the cardholder. Otherwise everyone will be dodging vat saying they're actually based elsewhere! 😉
  5. J

    Multi thread spam management

    I don't think there's a defacto solution but I'm sure it could be added into one of the existing add ons. Sidebar: in your example user creates 5 topics and you're only flagging 3 - user has still created 2 😉
  6. J

    Lack of interest Do you want to mark the forums as read before leaving?

    Presumably so when you next visit all the unread posts are actually new posts since your last visit? 🤷🤷
  7. J

    A way to insert symbols

    You can add the custom options via a js edit for froala - but yeah it would be nice if the ACP showed all the extensibility of the editor and you just selected what you wanted displayed.
  8. J

    XF 2.2 Ignore User Function - Complete Ignore

    Not sure but there's a very good addon:
  9. J

    Does Xenforo support symbols, like the degree symbol (°)?

    There's no insert symbol tab in the editor to my knowledge.
  10. J

    Didn't see "site suggestions" for this site so...

    There is a showcase section that people post in and generally get a few sign ups.
  11. J

    Latest 2.3 Finished Release Recommendations

    Yeah, adding cloudflare will make things even faster. and it's free. And you can offload attachments to cloudflare too. Cloudflare will then serve them from a local data centre to your users thus reducing latency.
  12. J

    What about using the Tiptap editor for XenForo?

    Well now the cats out of the bag hopefully the editor becomes the first HYS for the 3 series.
  13. J

    XF 2.3 a few questions that are important

    You might be better placed asking in English to get a faster reply.
  14. J

    XF 2.2 Text editor not displaying

    I'd reupload your javascript files and flush your cache.
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