Recent content by FTL

  1. FTL

    Didn't see "site suggestions" for this site so...

    In general I agree, but sometimes a forum can cover the same ground as a lot of others and hence be rather generic, but it gains traction simply because prospective new members like the feel and atmosphere of it, based on various factors that make it appealing. Indeed, you need a small...
  2. FTL

    Didn't see "site suggestions" for this site so...

    The bold bit, um, no. That's a straight up lie as I've never told you what to do with your own forum. Or, you're just confusing me with someone else, maybe. You need to retract that. Seriously, I don't need "advice" from you about who I need to ban or not and the state of my forum has nothing...
  3. FTL

    XF 2.2 PHP 8.2 should I upgrade?

    Ok, I see where you're coming from and it's your call if you think the risk is small. tbh, by this point, it probably is quite small.
  4. FTL

    Didn't see "site suggestions" for this site so...

    Thanks, but remember that you were banned from my forum for abuse towards me and another member, so your opinion is not required.
  5. FTL

    Will Xenforo ever adopt threaded comment structures (like Reddit)?

    Oh wicked, you wouldn't have a screenshot or two of what these looked like, would you? It would be fascinating to see what the early web looked like. :) Soz, I've just seen your screenshot above.
  6. FTL

    Will Xenforo ever adopt threaded comment structures (like Reddit)?

    Are you sure you don't mean 1995 or later, perhaps? Back in 1990 the web had only just been invented and there were no commercial services generally available.
  7. FTL

    Didn't see "site suggestions" for this site so...

    Exactly, my enthusiasm ran away (quickly) when I realised I'd have to reciprocate as much as I got. I have neither the time nor the inclination for this, so never did it. @MySiteGuy @AjayJunkies FWIW, I actually got my site off the ground by adding all the content myself, ie starting lots and...
  8. FTL

    XF 2.2 PHP 8.2 should I upgrade?

    It's not a good idea to do that on a production system until it's officially supported. At the moment, only 8.2 is supported in 2.2.15, so you shouldn't go further than that. Feel free to do so on a test system though and if anything breaks, report it to the devs on here.
  9. FTL

    XF 2.2 PHP 8.2 should I upgrade?

    Yes, XF 2.2.15 is rated for it and you'll benefit from all the significant security, feature and performance improvements that come with it, so don't hesitate. My XF Cloud installation is running with it, so that's as good an endorsement as you could possibly get since it's the XF admins that...
  10. FTL

    Latest 2.3 Finished Release Recommendations

    Would've helped if he'd actually specified that. Makes much more sense now.
  11. FTL

    Latest 2.3 Finished Release Recommendations

    You're gonna be waiting a while. A really long while, if ever. lol.
  12. FTL

    Off-Topic Section = Good?

    I've got a GD area and this has happened on my forum, too. My forum must comprise of 80-90%+ threads and posts there, but I don't mind as my main objective is to increase activity with friendly discussions.
  13. FTL

    Is there a way to make a Widget that shows who posted in the last 24 hours?

    For that, click the down arrow against the right of what's new at the top, then select new posts and finally close the show only unread posts filter. Clicking the link below does the same thing on this forum.
  14. FTL

    Is there a way to make a Widget that shows who posted in the last 24 hours?

    The latest post information is already available: it's the latest post in the default leaderboard, called "latest posts".
  15. FTL

    Just for fun

    It’s fine, perfectly safe, just use a regular browser. I don’t want to spoil the surprise. Note that putting https just makes it hang, ruining the surprise, hence http.
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