Recent content by ekool

  1. ekool

    Not a bug Unable to hide popup suggestions to finish the search criteria.

    I agree with @Digital Doctor -- the first few times I used the search here I had the same issue. I thought the search was broken before I realized it pushed everything down and you could still use it. But it is not an intuitive way as you don't see a transition where it pushes the content down...
  2. ekool

    [OzzModz] Thread Type Vote Competition [Paid]

    I get an error when I try to set an end date at the end of next month. This is the error: Error: Class "OzzModz\ThreadTypeCompetition\Util\Time" not found in src/addons/OzzModz/ThreadTypeCompetitionVote/ThreadType/Competition.php at line 359...
  3. ekool

    All editors should support bbcode, when possible.

    I've always found it a little frustrating that some areas of the admin section support bbcode and some do not. There is an add-on to allow you to build pages using bbcode, but that should come default. I want to use bbcode in a notice, and I see that's not supported. It seems a bit haphazard...
  4. ekool

    XF 2.2 How do you handle users with Awaiting Email Confirmation?

    What is the proper link to resend confirmation email, I want to add that to my notices....
  5. ekool

    XF 2.2 How do you handle users with Awaiting Email Confirmation?

    I've been checking a lot of our new user registrations lately. While many of them are spammers, some of them are legitimate accounts. I've verified via our email provider that the emails are going through. They just must be sitting in a spam folder, a social network folder, or something of the...
  6. ekool

    D.C Style - Thumbnail

    Some great updates, thank you!
  7. ekool

    All should be an option when selecting forums to enable modifications/features.

    It's sometimes hard to describe so I completely understand. All good :)
  8. ekool

    All should be an option when selecting forums to enable modifications/features.

    100% this is what I'm asking them to add. The "all" option exactly for the reason you specify. We have about 6 modifications, and some stock xenforo behavior that you have to remember to do this on every single time you add a forum :(
  9. ekool

    All should be an option when selecting forums to enable modifications/features.

    I've been dealing with this for years but I figure there should be a better way. For example, let's say I install a modification that needs to be enabled for individual forums. By default most modifications default to "none" -- but let's say I want to enable it on all forums. I get to click the...
  10. ekool

    D.C Style - Thumbnail

    Couple of options... 1. We use gravatar support. I'd prefer not to replace the gravatar image with the thumbnail missing placeholder. 2. I know this is a Xenforo thing but all modifications should have an option for this. I may have to ask it as a feature request. But, on this modification you...
  11. ekool

    [JoyFreak] Open Graph Image

    How do you download this, the adminintel site has been shut down.
  12. ekool

    [tl] Keywords Cloud [Paid]

    Where is this pulling the keywords that the user searched from... if they searched on the forum itself? Or if they came in via say, Google, their google search term? I don't think Google passes this value anymore.
  13. ekool

    Redirect external links - Addon to monetize url

    Will something like this work?
  14. ekool

    [OzzModz] Nag Guests To Register

    Is there any way to add an X or a way for someone to dismiss it. I love the mod, but on mobile it blocks too much of the screen and they should be able to dismiss it so it never comes back. I'd like to give them a friendly reminder but I don't want to be annoying or pushy about it or have them...
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