Recent content by Chromaniac

  1. Chromaniac

    XF2.3 feedback and comments

    this post has some more information.
  2. Chromaniac

    XF2.3 feedback and comments
  3. Chromaniac

    Add-on Addon to unfurl Amazon links

    yeah amazon can probably only be solved using their API or something. i remember wordpress used to have some addons, paid probably, that generated a very nice product box for blog posts.
  4. Chromaniac

    Not a bug Images attached in webp format are not cached

    From my understanding, this has always been the case with XenForo attachments out of the box. Mostly because attachments have permissions and guests might not have access to them.
  5. Chromaniac

    disallow AI training using the forum's content

    Worth mentioning here that apple confirmed this week that they are using applebot for their own AI training. ai.txt seems like a proposed standard. Are existing AI companies supporting it?
  6. Chromaniac

    Fixed Embed issue on RC2

    It works here so I am guessing it was fixed as part of recursion bug. Still posting for reference. Embedding itself does work but if I post a fresh link, it is not converted into the relevant code that enables embedding. It is posted with regular unfurl code. Embed code works on external sites...
  7. Chromaniac

    disallow AI training using the forum's content

    well he wants to block spiders owned by chinese companies that might be operating from usa and elsewhere. so region blocking is not an option for him.
  8. Chromaniac

    Automatically show custom images for broken post images in Xenforo 2

    please upload image of settings page in addon description!
  9. Chromaniac

    Fixed PWA has no "back" button

    And now I would have to find a way to hide it on Android devices lol. 😪
  10. Chromaniac

    Fixed SMTP mail not sending using TLS

    Tuesday today. Next RC might be out sometime today. I also need to check if this fixes my issue using 2.3 with Zoho ZeptoMail!
  11. Chromaniac

    XF 2.1 Spam Clean option doesn't show up on some users.

    yeah it's likely an old account was taken over by a spammer through one of the password dump leak. there are ongoing discussions about this. running spam cleaner on these accounts is probably not the best idea (without verifying existing content) as you might end up deleting useful content from...
  12. Chromaniac

    disallow AI training using the forum's content

    cannot find a definitive list of ips used by bytedance. and they seem to use amazon aws for their spider which means you are going to block non bytespider ips as well in the end. in the end, it should not matter in almost all cases.
  13. Chromaniac

    disallow AI training using the forum's content

    bytespider went crazy for a while. petalbot too. and at one point of time i had to block applebot coz it was everywhere in logs. and then there are smaller companies like ahrefsbot which would hammer your server randomly. one has to decide if they are going to get any value from these bots...
  14. Chromaniac

    disallow AI training using the forum's content

    Yeah, only option is to block using IP ranges if available. But it is going to be a constant work to keep adding new IPs. Google and OpenAI both have spiders that can be blocked through robots file (a list here). Worth doing it. But Google has mentioned that their AI overview can use data from...
  15. Chromaniac

    XF 2.2 Why XF forces SSL on email transport method?

    they have just renamed the terminology based on user feedback.
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