Recent content by bzcomputers

  1. bzcomputers

    Add-on Update Notifier

    Does not seem to be alerting for updates with [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare for the last couple of versions.
  2. bzcomputers

    A way to insert symbols

    Froala (the current editor) has this option / extension ability but it is just turned off. It is called the "Special Characters Plugin". Tiptap (the upcoming editor in XenForo 3.0+) has similar extensions available that offer html characters and symbol support. Tiptap is open source so I do not...
  3. bzcomputers

    [cv6] Node Icons & Tools

    Yes. Also works fine with PHP 8.3+
  4. bzcomputers

    Who has enabled PHP JIT? Have you seen benefits with XenForo code or others code bases like Wordpress?

    Well, it's been a week since I enabled JIT and I can say I haven't seen any changes. I originally set the opcache.jit_buffer_size to "512M", but after a few days the used JIT buffer was still under 1M so I reduced the opcache.jit_buffer_size to "128M". I am interested in seeing what JIT used...
  5. bzcomputers

    Fixed PHP 8.3 compatibility patch

    I believe you will see the release of XenForo 2.2.16 this week (maybe next), which has the full PHP 8.3 patch incorporated. If you can wait. Otherwise, you can make the edit yourself now and deal with slight annoyance of XenForo warning you of the edited file until 2.2.16 is released.
  6. bzcomputers

    [DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

    To gain anything out of minification (html, javascript, css, etc.) it must be done on your own server prior to reaching Cloudflare. Minification by itself has never been a great performance improvement, but if done on your own server, could have a slight performance gain. Cloudflare has...
  7. bzcomputers

    XF 2.3 Boosting performance in XenForo 2.3

    This is a jQuery plugin. jQuery has been removed from XenForo 2.3+, so this will not be included with XenForo. Some of this plugin's functioning like lazy loading and AJAX is already built in XenForo already. As far as infinite scrolling goes, it's been a suggestion for over 10 years and hasn't...
  8. bzcomputers

    Enable PHP JIT

    To be ahead of the game be aware there are 2 default ini changes regarding JIT coming in PHP 8.4. JIT continues to be turned off by default in PHP 8.4. In PHP 8.0 ≤ 8.3.x default ini values are: opcache.jit=tracing opcache.jit_buffer_size=0 In PHP 8.0 ≤ 8.3.x the minimum change required to...
  9. bzcomputers

    Who has enabled PHP JIT? Have you seen benefits with XenForo code or others code bases like Wordpress?

    PHP JIT was introduced in PHP 8.0 but there really isn't much out there on performance benefits above OPcache itself other than few benchmark tests over the last 4 years showing a minimal increase in performance when paired with OPcache. Four years later and JIT is on the cusp of an upgrade in...
  10. bzcomputers

    Duplicate Reorder images/media in gallery album

    Wasn't mentioning it to complain you missed it, just to let you know it's been 6 years and likely will not see any changes in the near future with the XenForo developers concentrating on 2.3 and 3.0. Your best bet for anything near term is to get an add-on developer to look into it.
  11. bzcomputers

    Duplicate Reorder images/media in gallery album

    The suggestion already exists, and has been open for over 6 years...
  12. bzcomputers

    [cv6] Node Icons & Tools

    ...add-on is still reported as unmaintained, so I wasn't sure of its' future
  13. bzcomputers

    [cv6] Node Icons & Tools

    @Ozzy47 any chance you may pick up development of this add-on since @Hoffi retired last year ...or possibly create your own with similar functioning. Used a few node icon add-ons for XenForo over the years and they all seem to go unsupported after awhile.
  14. bzcomputers

    Not a bug Outdated Trending Content

    Does this take time? ...because the threads listed in the widget are the same as were there when the issue was reported.
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