[XTR] Thread Rating System

[XTR] Thread Rating System [Paid] 1.1.1

No permission to buy ($15.00)
This mod adds 3 widget definitions. What is the difference between "best rated" and "top rated"? I'm guessing best rated is sorted by overall rating score and top rated is sorted by the number of ratings submitted?
I added a "Best Rated" widget to my site and it works great, but I notice that the widget title "Best Rated" is a link to the "Whats New" page. I would like to direct that link to a different page. Is this possible? I don't see anything in the widget definition that let's me change that.
@XDinc - Suggestion: Would it be possible to add a criteria to the User Gourp Promotions (User Group Promotions > Add Promotion > Apply this promotion while ...) of the form:

[] User has at least X ratings:
[ 0] + -

I'd like to be able to reward members that post sufficient ratings with a banner and this is the missing link to make it possible.
@XDinc - Another suggestion: Is it possible to add (Number of) Ratings as a sort criteria to Member Statistics?

I'd like to be able to define a block of notable members for the members page that lists members that have contributed ratings and have the members in that list sorted in descending order by number of ratings posted. Assuming the previous suggestion can be implemented, I can add a new member stat that keys on a "rated" user group, but sorting it the way I'd like requires the rating field to be an option in the sort list.
Can you search for threads with ratings? I'm looking for and addon that displays a page of recently rated threads. Maybe even filter top rated.
I made a link forum that points to a list of best rated threads. It's possible with this mod.
Hello @XDinc. Is there a way to show ratings in the forum list view? In other words, on my main forum list page, where thread previews are shown alongside each listed forum, it'd be great if the current star rating could also be shown along with all the other options (avatar, most recent thread title, thread/message stats, etc.). Is there a way to show this? If not, would you consider this adding this option for your next update?
The star ratings show in the "latest posts" block, but not the forum list itself. On my forum, I added a widget to the forum page that lists the top ten best rated threads from the forum where the mod is active.
Another question - for @XDinc or @cwe, or someone else who may know the answer...

Is there a way to modify the widget to rank threads by the worst reviewed. I know that best reviewed is most common, which makes sense, but showing the worst rated threads would have value on my forum too. Is there a way I can do this?

Some additional feedback: It'd be great to be able to use half-star ratings for threads, mirroring the rating systems on Yelp, Amazon, etc., if that's at all possible? Also, I'll reiterate that ranking by worst reviewed threads in the widgets would also be highly valuable for some admins (for me, at least, and I assume some others...). @XDinc: If you could please consider these suggestions for your next update, I'd really appreciate it!
The mod currently has 3 pre-defined widget definitions: best rated, newly rated and top rated. Looks to me like a worst rated would need to be customized/coded.

The mod only allows folks to assign ratings in whole numbers, but it displays the average rating with half star values,
The mod only allows folks to assign ratings in whole numbers, but it displays the average rating with half star values,

Got it, makes sense. I haven't tinkered with the add-on a whole lot yet, so didn't notice that aspect. The rating system definitely works for my purposes in that case.

The mod currently has 3 pre-defined widget definitions: best rated, newly rated and top rated. Looks to me like a worst rated would need to be customized/coded.

If anyone can help me modify the widget code to reverse-sort the average ratings - to make worst reviewed threads appear at the top - I'd really appreciate it!
Update request (@XDinc): For the widgets (e.g., 'best rated'), could you add an option to number the threads listed in the widget, so users can more readily identify threads by where they rank numerically? For example, I have a lot of threads I'm working with, so it'd be great to be able to talk about X thread ranking at #27 or Y thread coming in at #65, etc.

My other wish list item would be to have the option of displaying each thread's numerical ranking next to where the thread name is listed in forum and thread views, i.e., so threads can be identified just as much by their ranking as their rating.

Bottom line: I'd love to be able to extend the ranking capabilities of your add on, beyond the add on's capabilities for simply rating threads. If you could give these updates consideration, I'd really appreciate it!

Update request (@XDinc): For the widgets (e.g., 'best rated'), could you add an option to number the threads listed in the widget, so users can more readily identify threads by where they rank numerically? For example, I have a lot of threads I'm working with, so it'd be great to be able to talk about X thread ranking at #27 or Y thread coming in at #65, etc.

My other wish list item would be to have the option of displaying each thread's numerical ranking next to where the thread name is listed in forum and thread views, i.e., so threads can be identified just as much by their ranking as their rating.

Bottom line: I'd love to be able to extend the ranking capabilities of your add on, beyond the add on's capabilities for simply rating threads. If you could give these updates consideration, I'd really appreciate it!


Hi @XDinc: Sorry for all the comments here. One last request: For the 'best rated' widget, in addition to numbering the rated threads to show numeric rankings, it'd be great to have the option to show the exact rating score to tenths or hundredths decimal point alongside the stats you already display (i.e., star levels and number of reviews). I know you can see the exact number using tooltips but displaying this exact score alongside the other stats would allow for a clearer quantitative visual comparison. For example, Yelp and Google's review systems also provide this exact number right next to the star levels and # of reviews (see below). I'd appreciate your consideration of this update request as well. Thanks!

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@XDinc When a user writes a review using paragraph breaks they are not generated in the thread reply, the text is displayed as a single paragraph.

In addition, when you write a review and it is modified from the answer to the topic, the original review is not updated if you access the link to see who has voted.

I think it should be corrected. Thanks for the addon!
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Adding a request: I'd like to be able designate threads that are ratable by users on a thread-by-thread basis. As it's designed, you specify an entire forum for rating, but it would be more useful for me to be able to select only certain threads within a forum to receive ratings.
Adding a request: I'd like to be able designate threads that are ratable by users on a thread-by-thread basis. As it's designed, you specify an entire forum for rating, but it would be more useful for me to be able to select only certain threads within a forum to receive ratings.

Answered my own question: the Thread Symbiotics add-on appears to work well with Thread Rating System.

@XDinc, I'd like to emphasize and provide full support to @PhineasD's request:
When a user writes a review using paragraph breaks they are not generated in the thread reply, the text is displayed as a single paragraph.

In addition, when you write a review and it is modified from the answer to the topic, the original review is not updated if you access the link to see who has voted.

As PhineasD mentions, when you have the "Include the review like as post" option activated, and then someone changes either the post or the original review, these two bodies of text don't interact and update each other. It would really tighten this feature up if this could be addressed.

Will this add-on be taken up/maintained by a new developer? @XDinc has marked this as 'unmaintained' so I'm uncertain about continuing to use it. I was thinking of opting for the branding removal but am hesitant to do so now. @XDinc, any insight you can share on the future of this add-on would be appreciated!
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