[XFA] Thread Print

[XFA] Thread Print 2.1.2

No permission to download
Just reinstall the old ThemesCorp 1.1.0 version, that's what I did. This developer has not been back here since Sept 3rd.
I fixed that now.

In library/XFA/ThreadPrint/Proxy.php changed the line

if ($controller instanceof XenForo_ControllerPublic_Abstract && isset($controllerResponse->params['forum']))
if ($controller instanceof XenForo_ControllerPublic_Abstract && isset($controllerResponse->params['forum']['node_id']))
Hi guys,

Sorry for not answering earlier, it seems I didn't get the notifications.

Thanks for the hint, will fix it then :)

Nice addon
Installed and it is working perfect.

I suggest to add (Print) and (Cancel) buttons to the print view page.

This is not something I am really willing to implement.

As-is the add-on is simple and seems fine to me.


I've just installed this and it works fine without any error messages.

However I have noticed that the page it creates for printing also includes any deleted posts. The posts were deleted for a good reason and I don't really want the users printing them out. Would it be possible to set it to only print visible posts?

Many thanks


They were displayed because you had the right to see them no ?

Otherwise, then yes this may something I could implement, though please request it on our site.

Sorry my mistake - it seems obvious now. I was in a moderator account when I printed it off and got the deleted post. I have just tried it using a generic members account and the deleted post was missing.

Thanks for the response - I will be rolling it out on our forum next week.


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Installed and running. Very nice job.

Just a couple of suggestions: include time next to date, and print avatars without having to select background prints.
Would you be interested in doing this if we could pay for it?

Sorry didn't see this message. Well that could speed up things for sure ;)

Installed and running. Very nice job.

Just a couple of suggestions: include time next to date, and print avatars without having to select background prints.

Not sure to understand the suggestions, could you please clarify a bit ?
could you please clarify a bit ?

Sorry, my fault: no time -just date-in old post is the regular XF behavior. I've tried with a very old thread...

About the avatar images, they don't are printed if you don't select the background print option.

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