XF2 [8WR] XenCarta 2 (Wiki) PRO

XF2 [8WR] XenCarta 2 (Wiki) PRO [Paid]

No permission to buy ($30.00)
Screen of my Parent Node selector only showing 6 options for all 100+ of my wiki pages:

Any existing pages that previously were parented to any that were not those six options, currently say "Parent node: (None)" but still respect the actual parent node they were last saved to.
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Screen of my Parent Node selector only showing 6 options for all 100+ of my wiki pages:

Any existing pages that previously were parented to any that were not those six options, currently say "Parent node: (None)" but still respect the actual parent node they were last saved to.
Check the "Parents list limit" option in the admin CP.
I have an article in my Wiki, but the default page when clicking the Navbar still displays as "The requested page could not be found." I have to from that page manually click on the Pages subnavigation element to get to an actual page. How do I change this?

edit: Nevermind I figured that part out, but why does nothing show up in the Wiki Index sidebar widget despite having multiple pages now added?


I'm also noticing a bug where I cannot make a page the child of a page if the desired parent page is already a child of another page.

Yeah, this appears to be pretty bugged after playing with it more. In order to make pages children of other pages, you have to go through and edit/save them in really specific orders.

Basically, you can only make a page the child of another if that page is a root level (i.e., is not a child of any other page). You can get around this by making the desire parent page a root level page, assigning a child to it, and then making that page assigned to whatever parent you want it to be again, but this is very annoying to work with.

I finally figured it all out. It would be nice for there to be some sort of guide or documentation for it being a premium plugin though.
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@Jaxel, couple questions:
  1. Is there any way to export pages and templates?
  2. Is there a way to set the order child pages appear instead of the automatic alphabetical sort? If not could this be added?
  3. Does a template within a template not get parsed, or am I doing something wrong?
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I would like to purchase this but have a couple of questions..

1.) Can you set permission for guests to edit?
2.) Can you review the changes before applying them live?

Would love to have my guests/members build the wiki pages in their own time and me applying the changes after being reviewed. I think that would awesome!
Screen of my Parent Node selector only showing 6 options for all 100+ of my wiki pages:

Any existing pages that previously were parented to any that were not those six options, currently say "Parent node: (None)" but still respect the actual parent node they were last saved to.

Hi, where is this option as I can't seem to setup the pages in a tree structure at all, they're all root level.
It's sadly not on the Create Page modal. You have to create the page first, then edit that page to see the option.
Thanks for the quick reply - yup, just figured that out, I hadn't given myself edit permissions on the pages, which didn't help! lol
Is there any way to get a copy of the wiki you've got on 8wayrun - at least a subset, enough to show how the template system works? Is there a guide I haven't seen somewhere?
Is there any way to get a copy of the wiki you've got on 8wayrun - at least a subset, enough to show how the template system works? Is there a guide I haven't seen somewhere?

If you create an account on 8WR you should be able to at least see all of the available Wiki templates on the 8WR wiki.

Selecting one of his templates `Frame-data table (SC6) (row)` will show you two code snippets:

[template=fd6row] atk= | imp= | dmg= | chip= | grd= | hit= | cnt= | gb= | cmd= | lvl= | nts= [/template]


<tr class="carta-table-row">
    <td class="carta-table-cell"><b>{{{atk}}}</b></td>
    <td class="carta-table-cell">{{{imp}}}</td>
    <td class="carta-table-cell">{{{dmg}}}</td>
    <td class="carta-table-cell">{{{chip}}}</td>
    <td class="carta-table-cell framedata [if={{{grd}}}===0]neutral[/if][if={{{grd}}}>0]positive[/if][if={{{grd}}}<0]negative[/if]">{{{grd}}}</td>
    <td class="carta-table-cell framedata [if={{{hit}}}===0]neutral[/if][if={{{hit}}}>0]positive[/if][if={{{hit}}}<0]negative[/if]">{{{hit}}}</td>
    <td class="carta-table-cell framedata [if={{{cnt}}}===0]neutral[/if][if={{{cnt}}}>0]positive[/if][if={{{cnt}}}<0]negative[/if]">{{{cnt}}}</td>
    <td class="carta-table-cell">{{{gb}}}</td>
<tr class="carta-table-row tablesorter-childRow">
    <td class="carta-table-cell verttop">{{{cmd}}}</td>
    <td class="carta-table-cell verttop" colspan="2">{{{lvl}}}</td>
    <td class="carta-table-cell" colspan="5">{{{nts}}}</td>

The first is what you'd type in the wiki page. The arguments inside the [template][/template] tag are the variable names and values you're passing into the template.

You'll also notice that there are [if][/if] tags. Anything in between the tags will render in the DOM should the evaluation prove true.

At present, to my knowledge, there's no way to do nested if statements. Also, per a previous update, the left hand side of the evaluation must always be the variable call {{{grd}}} for example.

I don't know of any list of all the possible XenCarta-specific tags. If you find one, please let me know.

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Is there a XenCarta2 wizard around that perhaps I could commission, work with, or who'd like to be my temporary Yoda so I can get a better understanding of this add-on to begin utilizing it? It just isn't making sense to me, from the video, enough to get a heads start.. although I am sure once I begin working with it, it will start to make sense. I do need to put together a wiki, but I also need to understand how it works so I can push new wiki data/pages from my third party server -- if it can manage automated page creation or recognize pages that are created for it outside of the add-on itself.

I've seen that done with MediaWiki...hoping that kind of functionality exists here, but until I find a little help I am at a loss to get a feel for even how to start.

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help out a bit :)
so I can get a better understanding of this add-on to begin utilizing it? It just isn't making sense to me, from the video, enough to get a heads start.. although I am sure once I begin working with it, it will start to make sense. I do need to put together a wiki, but I also need to understand how it works
@Jaxel ,

that describes my problem as well. As I asked in the PM already, it would greatly help to have some example templates. Like the one or other you are using at your 8wayrun, so we beginners have something we can start off. When I bought you´re addon - as fabulous as it is - I assumed, there where templates ready to use inside already. To find out, there isn´t, has unfortunal become a real showstopper.

One of my main problems beside that is, that I don´t have an idea, how to create the wiki-index-page. By default there is none and therefor the navtab leads directly into an error page. I´ve created pages, sure, but there is still no index, I´ld like to customize with a welcome note and a brief description.
We´ve watched your videos with 3 people and noone of us has been able to determine, how to do that.

I - or better "we" - would really appreciate, if you could provide us costumers with some default-templates and a more detailed documentation via video or text, regarding the creation of the index.

Best wishes,
Jaxel updated XF2 [8WR] XenCarta 2 (Wiki) PRO with a new update entry: - CHANGELOG

  • Major changes to the way the table of contents section works on pages. The TOC will now be aligned to the right of the main content, instead of placed inline. You can still use [TOC] to place it in a specific spot.
  • The "preview" function of editing pages will now parse [template] codes into the preview.
  • The json/xml outputs added in the previous version will now attempt to catch bad syntax.
  • You can now use [CLEAR] to clear floats within a page.
  • You can now use empty an...

Read the rest of this update entry...
how i can i change the special / pages urls?

for example:

I also want to change the:
Actually i want to change all the special sites :)

I did it with the public route filter but it didn't work.
A couple of questions:

1. Is there a way to order how a page shows in the navigation? I want "Factom Explorer" to come after "Factom Wallets".

Screenshot 2018-10-14 at 10.09.16 AM.webp

2. How do I create a second "Parent Node" that would appear below "Index" and its sub pages on the main navigation shown in the image above? If I leave a page as "None" for parent node it creates a whole new navigation box separate from the one above. Whereas I want it to show it on that primary navigation box.

Thank you for this modification!
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Not the content creator but will try answering your questions.

1. Is there a way to order how a page shows in the navigation? I want "Factom Explorer" to come after "Factom Wallets".

The Navigation Menu is ordered in Alpha-numerical order. So the only way to change the order is by altering the page's title.

2. How do I create a second "Parent Node" that would appear below "Index" and its sub pages on the main navigation shown in the image above? If I leave a page as "None" for parent node it creates a whole new navigation box separate from the one above. Whereas I want it to show it on that primary navigation box.

In your screen shot example, you would have to select the desired Parent Node for a page to Index or Factom Explorer or Factom Wallets. If you don't see Factom Explorer or Factom Wallets as an option in the Parent Node drop-down, then you have to increase your Parents list limit option in the XenCarta 2 Options page.
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