XF 2.3 ?

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I also miss translations into several languages, even free Open Source projects have support for several native languages, for example we don't have an official option for Portuguese Brazil.
The available translations are done by users or devs, e.g. @Nicolas FR did French. So if someone speaking Brazilian Portuguese translates it, that could be posted in Resources like the others. Open source has the advantage of often being multinational efforts. Xenforo is a small company based in the UK with English-speaking staff. They would likely have to contract out to provide "official" translations.
You probably just should give up on that..
I did not understand your comment. Do you not recommend using Xenforo currently or are you being sarcastic?

Thanks for your comment. I understand that the idea is for each one to translate, but we are talking about a high-value Paid product and, due to that, a smaller and more niche community.
It takes time to translate and I'll probably have to do it even though I don't speak advanced English, but it's just a suggestion, it could have been 3 base languages, because I agree that if they were to keep several alone it would be very complex for a small team or even to collect funding for more translations, because the more official translation there is, the more it will attract users.

Even though it's a small company, I think they could improve on certain points, who knows not to become Open Source + Cloud like Gitlab does for example, so they could have a bigger community, more users, more translations, more developers helping and more plugins/apps, even they already have the Cloud version, the better Xenforo is, the better it is for the Cloud and for those who buy a license to use it.
Because that will absolutely tank their revenue to become hybrid open source. The (vast) majority of forum owners will find creative ways to be on the open source edition. Comparing it to GitLab is a misnomer; if you can run it yourself, you'll basically run it yourself, and if you're at the stage where you need the features of the pro version, it's still a bargain - but trying to apply that logic to XF would require making basically anything beyond the most possible basic forum features into paid features, which means literally no point making a free version.

In any case, it's not like the open source platforms are exactly thriving, suggesting that their users aren't exactly chomping at the bit to get new features and new versions in (that's why it took 11 YEARS for SMF to get from 2.0 to 2.1; MyBB's been talking about their 2.0 for years, phpBB has been talking about 4.0 for years) so suggesting that really does just hurt everyone.
In any case, it's not like the open source platforms are exactly thriving, suggesting that their users aren't exactly chomping at the bit to get new features and new versions in (that's why it took 11 YEARS for SMF to get from 2.0 to 2.1; MyBB's been talking about their 2.0 for years, phpBB has been talking about 4.0 for years) so suggesting that really does just hurt everyone

You'd expect that from free forum script, so complaining there that developers aren't doing any releases will be a bit absurd.

Here we are talking about XenForo, a paid software, where you'd think that they are releasing new features regularly, unfortunately not.

In my opinion, XenForo should review their prices, as the current price is overpriced for what you get. They should at least drop it by 50%, if they are planning to continue on the route they do now.
You'd expect that from free forum script, so complaining there that developers aren't doing any releases will be a bit absurd.

Here we are talking about XenForo, a paid software, where you'd think that they are releasing new features regularly, unfortunately not.

In my opinion, XenForo should review their prices, as the current price is overpriced for what you get. They should at least drop it by 50%, if they are planning to continue on the route they do now.
Although I do agree in its current market value, XenForo should be a bit less than it’s set at currently - it still pulls some weight with value to the end user compared to other forum software on the market. I would say 50% discount is a bit unfair to the company.
Faust it would be a good idea to lower the price, but they would need to analyze whether it would increase sales a lot to compensate and we also don't know if it has been selling a lot or a little at the current price.
Because that will absolutely tank their revenue to become hybrid open source. The (vast) majority of forum owners will find creative ways to be on the open source edition. Comparing it to GitLab is a misnomer; if you can run it yourself, you'll basically run it yourself, and if you're at the stage where you need the features of the pro version, it's still a bargain - but trying to apply that logic to XF would require making basically anything beyond the most possible basic forum features into paid features, which means literally no point making a free version....
Gitlab was certainly just an example, but I believe that the future is Open Source + Cloud.
Unlike Xenforo, which already has a Cloud solution as well, so if the base was Open Source, they could still earn revenue with the Cloud, which has another target audience that wants something managed and ready.

I also agree with the risk of having resources stuck only in the Cloud, but as Xenforo already has the Extensions I think it would already avoid this, Gitlab itself suffers from certain resources that it only has in the paid and more expensive plans :(, it depends a lot on who takes care of it of business.

And for those who host on their own, they would gain with the increase in the community, more professionals to maintain the tool and the extensions such as the gallery, advanced search, resource, branding and others would keep paying, soon they would increase their sale as well since the amount would increase of Xenforo users.

Open Source project by itself is not usually profitable, but what it does around it yes, like Plugins market, Cloud, Consulting and etc, Opencart worked this way for more than 13 years and certainly earns very well, same Wordpress is worth it, now imagine the best Forum system doing this, there would be no competitor to hold :)

Now of course they are ideas, there's no way to know what would happen, but at the very least it would greatly increase usage and users and with that the chance to win with extensions, consulting and the Cloud.

What Xenforo needs maybe is a bigger team and more community participation, but neither, because I don't know the size of the team and if they work full time in the tool.

Summarizing my view:
More Users > More Cloud Usage and Extensions -> Funding for the project and capital for the company and the team
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Faust it would be a good idea to lower the price, but they would need to analyze whether it would increase sales a lot to compensate and we also don't know if it has been selling a lot or a little at the current price.

Gitlab was certainly just an example, but I believe that the future is Open Source + Cloud.
Unlike Xenforo, which already has a Cloud solution as well, so if the base was Open Source, they could still earn revenue with the Cloud, which has another target audience that wants something managed and ready.

I also agree with the risk of having resources stuck only in the Cloud, but as Xenforo already has the Extensions I think it would already avoid this, Gitlab itself suffers from certain resources that it only has in the paid and more expensive plans :(, it depends a lot on who takes care of it of business.

And for those who host on their own, they would gain with the increase in the community, more professionals to maintain the tool and the extensions such as the gallery, advanced search, resource, branding and others would keep paying, soon they would increase their sale as well since the amount would increase of Xenforo users.

Open Source project by itself is not usually profitable, but what it does around it yes, like Plugins market, Cloud, Consulting and etc, Opencart worked this way for more than 13 years and certainly earns very well, same Wordpress is worth it, now imagine the best Forum system doing this, there would be no competitor to hold :)

Now of course they are ideas, there's no way to know what would happen, but at the very least it would greatly increase usage and users and with that the chance to win with extensions, consulting and the Cloud.

What Xenforo needs maybe is a bigger team and more community participation, but neither, because I don't know the size of the team and if they work full time in the tool.

Summarizing my view:
More Users > More Cloud Usage and Extensions -> Funding for the project and capital for the company and the team
What claims! So tomorrow I'm going to the shops near my house and I'll tell them; starting tomorrow you should go Open Source. I fear, that they might call, not the police but the ambulance to take me away. :LOL:
This unicorn mythical model only works in two ways.

Either you lock off functionality that would be useful into the expensive tiers (as GitLab does for its advanced CI stuff) or you make the thing so hard to work with that for anything other than vanilla use, your best bet is to go cloud (like Discourse)

Something like XF as open source won’t work. The revenues guaranteed will not cover development, just as they didn’t back in the day when IPS shuttered IPB Free. And it’s not like forums have scaled up in demand heavily since then…
In any case, it's not like the open source platforms are exactly thriving, suggesting that their users aren't exactly chomping at the bit to get new features and new versions in (that's why it took 11 YEARS for SMF to get from 2.0 to 2.1; MyBB's been talking about their 2.0 for years, phpBB has been talking about 4.0 for years) so suggesting that really does just hurt everyone.
phpBB and SMF trigger PTSD with me. Once I moved to XenForo, I realized that I do get what I pay for. SMF wasn't so bad, but phpBB....the nightmares... 😨
Your kind words for a thing I have spent too much of my life on are appreciated. (106 mods, plus core dev for SMF)
I just did this recently. You can only take so much for so long. I told myself I would stick to it till the end of 2022, in just 2 months we will be halfway through the year. I got tired of lack of communication and being led on. I hope the wait is going to be worth it for those that stick it out.
Must I say, your invision board looks lovely!
"upcoming weeks". 😂😂😂

Jokes aside. I lost my faith and patience here. At this stage I'm thinking selling my forums, and focus on something else. I might actually try IPS.

We been waiting for some news for years. Even the communication isn't great. Also noticed that an other XF developer for some reason decided to delete all his work. Not good sign IMHO.

As a customer, I expect more communication from the business, yes we been told some speculation about "upcoming week" or "next days/weeks" which haven't happened either, and at this point I don't take XF Team seriously...
Which an other XF dev? :unsure:

I'd be willing to bet it's something with single sign on or something along those lines. I've been assuming filter has been planned for a while now. And since that's likely a larger ux change it's almost certainly login related. If we can trust what was mentioned.

Thanks Dad.

I say dark theme as it's on first page and already confirmed.

I'd say @Chris D we should release features that are already done and just distribute this update over a couple versions like 2.3.1 webp, 2.3.2 dark theme, 2.3.3 sso etc etc just get the stuff that's ready down into the testing pipeline and give the customers something to do.
Was there a comment anywhere on the smaller number of maintenance releases last year / year before? (I was only comparing to recent years, I'm not sure what the "typical" rate of releases is).

I appreciate that 2.2.12 is generally pretty stable, and I'm certainly not demanding updates. That said I am currently up for renewal on my main site, and had been planning on converting 2 IPB forums over to XF, but fewer updates + some unaddressed IPB import bugs is making me hold off.
Was there a comment anywhere on the smaller number of maintenance releases last year / year before? (I was only comparing to recent years, I'm not sure what the "typical" rate of releases is).

I appreciate that 2.2.12 is generally pretty stable, and I'm certainly not demanding updates. That said I am currently up for renewal on my main site, and had been planning on converting 2 IPB forums over to XF, but fewer updates + some unaddressed IPB import bugs is making me hold off.
If you're having problems with something go to your account section of this website and submit a ticket.
I'm going to be very happy when we can retire this thread.

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But you DO have to admit, this has been a LONG time between x.Y.z releases... in fact, it harkens back to the vBulletin lawsuit days.

It's also pretty weird that the original estimate was so off as to when we'd see HYS threads. I guess there was just something unforeseen that took a lot longer than expected to resolve.

I hope we see something over the next few months. HYS threads within the next 2-3 months would be great, and hopefully a move back to a slightly faster update schedule.
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