XenWord Pro [Deleted]

I had WP_DEBUG on whilst activating the plugin and got the warning below. Are these anything to be concerned over?

Notice: load_plugin_textdomain was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.7 with no alternative available. in /home/***/public_html/content/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3195

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/***/public_html/content/wp-includes/functions.php:3195) in /home/***/public_html/content/wp-includes/option.php on line 747

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/***/public_html/content/wp-includes/functions.php:3195) in /home/***/public_html/content/wp-includes/option.php on line 748
@MikeT Are you using a language file or another plugin calling one? load_plugin_textdomain() is a future feature in XenWord, in which translations will become available with the download.

You might fix this by:

Deactivate the plugin
Comment out the lines 105 to 109 in /plugin/xenword.php
If I try activating and deactivating without commenting out those line I'm not seeing any warnings. Perhaps just an issue on the first activation?
If I try activating and deactivating without commenting out those line I'm not seeing any warnings. Perhaps just an issue on the first activation?

Well, this has not been reported so I'd like to figure out what happened. For now, please check the server log files and see if something else triggered the notices.

BTW: Thank you.
I am very interested in this and have a couple of questions.

I run a large XF site (350k posts, 10k users) plus a separate ecom shop using CS-Cart. It is going to cost me over $1k to integrate the logins of XF with the shop however there is also a WordPress ecom plugin that looks good. So a round about way could be to use WordPress for site member blogs as well as integrated login of users with an ecom shop...does this sound possible with this mod?

1. Can you have a multi blog setup with/in WordPress where each forum user can create their own blog at say www.mydomain.com/username?
2. A couple of years ago someone created a WordPress Bridge mod here on XF and there was also a style sync mod that made WordPress use the same styling as your XF forums. Does this mod do the same or do you have to try and replicate the XF style in WordPress manually?
3. I am looking at WooCommerce as a replacement for my CS Cart store. I assume you wouldn't know this but "generally", in your opinion, should WordPress plugins such as this one also work with user integration of this mod?
4. How hard is it to get your head around WordPress for someone who has absolutely no knowledge of WordPress?
5. I once heard that WordPress was a resource hungry dog of an application and always ran slow...is this still the case?

The biggest thing with all this, and PLEASE don't take this the wrong way, but in looking at the long term I am worried that my site is all set up with this and it then vulnerable to XF updates, WordPress updates and this mod updates. This potentially could cause me great grief in the future especially if say you got hit by a bus (which I don't wish on anyone) however can you see my point? Can you comment with your thoughts on this...thanks

Hopefully this looks like a great solution to a problem that has been bugging me for some time...thanks and well done
I am very interested in this and have a couple of questions.

Sure. Questions are always good.

does this sound possible with this mod?
One of the things I'm learning is that this mod will work flawlessly in one environment and someone else will use the same version and get an error. This is then fixed in the next release as well as any new feature.

1. Can you have a multi blog setup with/in WordPress where each forum user can create their own blog at say www.mydomain.com/username?
I use this on a multisite with 180 domains.

2. A couple of years ago someone created a WordPress Bridge mod here on XF and there was also a style sync mod that made WordPress use the same styling as your XF forums. Does this mod do the same or do you have to try and replicate the XF style in WordPress manually?
Sorry but styling is independent of this plugin.

3. I am looking at WooCommerce as a replacement for my CS Cart store. I assume you wouldn't know this but "generally", in your opinion, should WordPress plugins such as this one also work with user integration of this mod?
I use WooCommerce and it's a pain. I decided to manually adjust accounts because of spammers. Each time I think spammers are blocked on the WP side then someone manages to break through.

4. How hard is it to get your head around WordPress for someone who has absolutely no knowledge of WordPress?
I guess this depends on the depth. WP user groups exist in major regions and they are lots of help.

5. I once heard that WordPress was a resource hungry dog of an application and always ran slow...is this still the case?
Yes. NGINX and @MattW helped my site tremendously.

The biggest thing with all this, and PLEASE don't take this the wrong way, but in looking at the long term I am worried that my site is all set up with this and it then vulnerable to XF updates, WordPress updates and this mod updates. This potentially could cause me great grief in the future especially if say you got hit by a bus (which I don't wish on anyone) however can you see my point? Can you comment with your thoughts on this...thanks

Yes. This is important. This is always a concern. I use this plugin and have many ideas to improve things. There are now a few holders of developer license also making feature suggestions as well as code suggestions. My hope is to keep growing the developer license group to avoid any pitfalls such as your scenario.

Hopefully this looks like a great solution to a problem that has been bugging me for some time...thanks and well done

Thanks. It's always a work in progress. 1.0.6 is in the kitchen with feature images being pulled. I just need to make it an option rather than default.
Thanks LPH...I am going to install WordPress in an xampp development environment to see if I can get my head around it...thanks again
Well, this has not been reported so I'd like to figure out what happened. For now, please check the server log files and see if something else triggered the notices.

BTW: Thank you.

Sorry, couldn't see anything useful there.
Writing to wp_users table

Now that writing to the wp_usermeta table is stable, the next step is to get XenWord to write to the wp_users table. This is highly experimental code and appears to be working.

The objective is to increase compatibility with other WordPress plugins. Some WordPress plugins pull information from the wp_users table. Plugins such as WooCommerce require the user_nickname and ID to be pulled from this table.

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Writing to wp_users table

Now that writing to the wp_usermeta table is stable, the next step is to get XenWord to write to the wp_users table. This is highly experimental code and appears to be working.

The objective is to increase compatibility with other WordPress plugins. Some WordPress plugins pull information from the wp_users table. Plugins such as WooCommerce require the user_nickname and ID to be pulled from this table.

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Ugh. It was 3 AM and I forgot to hit publish. :p

Should explain that the wpdb class is used to write to the database. This should not tax a server but I still want to figure out how to test this on a large site installation.
Are you ready for this one? WooCommerce and XenWord now work together.

The WordPress plugin WooCommerce requires the registered user information to be in the wp_users table. This is now possible with XenWord version

The following video shows a XenForo member logging into WordPress with their XF credential. Next, the member is able to shop and add items to the cart. The video shows the information is written to the wp_usermeta and wp_users table for compatibility with WooCommerce.

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Admit it. This one is cool ;)

This code will be tested more today on www.xenword.com as well as available for holders of the developer license.
Version needs some refinement in writing to the database. There are a few reports of duplicate key. I'm not able to recreate it yet but am working on it.
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