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Xenforo Wordpress Theme


Well-known member
Xenpress (latest: version 2.1)
A wordpress theme for xenforo.
[no longer supported or maintained -- no time sorry]

Install instructions.
Setting up the navigation menus

The design is minimal but the rest is heavyweight. It is recommended you run a caching plugin along with this theme. Any questions or help needed, just ask. The theme requires configuration to get it going (xenpress settings) but most is self-explanatory.

version 2.1 done.
  • More Admin options.
  • Redesigned theme & css.
  • More everything, less "things that are broken".




Known 2.1 bugs
- Search box out of alignment in firefox. Padding has issues.
- No page highlighting with wp-nav (not a bug but it bugs me)

Next version (2.2) should include the fixes for above and possibly a jquery registration slider at the top of the page similar to xenforo forums (If I can link it all up).

version 1.01 done.
  • Nine areas for widgets. Two under the main articles, two right sidebars and four in the footer area. One on the singe pages right hand column. I’m sure that is plenty for now. You could always hard code extra loops in these positions too and separate your categories out on the mainpage.
  • Custom admin options with placement areas for nine adverts in the common places, also add your tracking codes and other various theme options.
  • Support for translation, although the .po file has not been created yet (working on that bit).
  • Individual single.php category based post templates. (The option is there if needed).
  • Pagination for custom templates.
  • Custom “no avatar” selection in wp-admin/discussions options
  • Featured Thumbnails (via media uploader) and excerpts used in the main page article. The except is then used as the header meta on single.php pages for better SEO.
  • Cufon font replacement for most header tags.


Nice work D.O.A, it would even better if the sidebar region has the light blue backround like the article section has. How does this work ? Does it work with specific plugin & bridge ?
Thanks, will try out your sidebar suggestion too, it does look a bit plain. I have a heavily modified version of this theme working on a a live site with xfrocks wordpress user add on from here,
http://xenforo.com/community/threads/wordpress-3-bridge.5398/ so you can basically style it using the available member functions for wordpress, and forum users can comment. Pulling the xenforo avatars would be nice but for now I go with gravatars.


I've got another old theme that lets users submit content for moderation/approval from the mainpage with a custom drop down form so I'll try to wrangle that into a future version. For now my main priority is getting what I have working in IE before release :mad:
A question, how did you apply the cufon article titles :)
Is this a wordpress plugin or have you set the wordpress style for it.
A question, how did you apply the cufon article titles :)
Is this a wordpress plugin or have you set the wordpress style for it.

It's in the theme, although it's easy to do. http://cufon.shoqolate.com/generate/

feel free stealing my source files from tak79.com.

<script src="http://my.sources/cufon.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="http://my.sources/Graublau_Web_400-Graublau_Web_700.font.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">Cufon.replace('h1');</script>
h1 {
color: #176093;
font-size: 2em;
font-weight: bold;
<h1>something headerish</h1>

done. :)
Looks great !!

Please consider tweaking the style such that breadcrumbs only appear on the forum tab !

Who the hell would want a breadcrumb on a member tab or a home tab or a portal tab or .... well any non-forum tab !!!

The breadcrumb just wastes valuable space.
Thanks Digital Doc, I use breadcrumbs for category display category > video etc if someone lands on the page, for navigation purposes (I dont display categories in a tab list, only in a drop down that may be missed) but it's only about 8 lines of code to remove if you dont like it ;)

I've taken a few ideas here on board, ditched the bread crumb, styled the sidebar and footer area. Finally got tabbed navigation working and highlight for categories, pages etc. Added support for 4 widget positions in the footer, and another few spots are needed for the right hand sidebar(s) it's all hard coded in the style there the moment.


because I'm hooking this into the forum with registrations and stuff, and my site has people publish content themselves, I've got some places where user info appears, on the frontpage and a kinda author bio. These are all easily removed, in fact the whole thing is easy to edit.


not logged in


some more author stuff


I've just updated tak79.com with what I've got so far anyway :)
Looks great. Please also include Adsense space for header banner, sidebar 250 X 250 or 300 X 250 banner and inside article banner.
Version 1.0 will be released tomorrow, ran out of time tonight, a few small things left to do.

Looks great. Please also include Adsense space for header banner, sidebar 250 X 250 or 300 X 250 banner and inside article banner.

I'm going to do that in the next release, 1.0.1 should be done by this weekend :)

Would it be possible to add the xenforo alerts on the wordpress page in any way? Like beside "log out"?

hmmm awesome idea, I'm guessing it would take a lot of javascript trickery and PHP, and xfrocks wordpress bridge to create that. Way beyond my capabilities no doubt lol.
Q: danielwerner said: Would it be possible to add the xenforo alerts on the wordpress page in any way? Like beside "log out"?
A: hmmm awesome idea, I'm guessing it would take a lot of javascript trickery and PHP, and xfrocks wordpress bridge to create that. Way beyond my capabilities no doubt lol.
+1 I think it's a cool idea, but that mandate is more of a bridge thing than a style thing.
Sounds like DOA would consider doing the style work if the backend bridge work was setup.
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