Xenforo & Wordpress Bridge


Well-known member
Everyone knows the crap forum called BBpress is like the ugly stepchild of Wordpress, left alone and abandoned. SimplePressForum (a Wordpress Plugin) is a good start but doesn't have the "wow" factor but integrates perfectly with Wordpress.

If Xenforo could release a Wordpress plugin that has full integration with Wordpress including all user information and a single login, it would be a POWERHOUSE. Do you know how many Wordpress sites want to add a forum to their site but can't?

Any mods like this coming?
Upvote 46
How can you possibly like vBulletin CMS more than Wordpress?

For simplicity ... not everyone wants to hack and stitch. ideally one install, one admincp, one update, one style etc..

VBCMS is good for certain things sucks for load of other things... it was not meant to compete against WP.

MODx is super, I'd rather see a close cooperation between the 2 developers for a tight or even a single release of both product
Lately I see posts other than xenforo and wordpress. I think I'm getting lost in here. We're still talking about xenforo and wordpress, right? ;)
I'd like to add my voice to those who want this! A good Xenforo/Wordpress bridge would be at the top of my feature wish list. I personally feel that Wordpress is such a fantastic content system - especially once you learn to modify templates to get the exact functionality you want - that it would be nearly impossible for Xenforo to create a CMS I liked better.
I'm just starting to learn WP. I must say the ediitors for templates and css are superb.
One detail which is great\is that once you edit, after saving, the form stays open EXAC TLY where you just edited it. So if you refresh the frontend and it's not quite right, you still have the right place all ready to redo it.
It's small touches like that which make life so much easier.

On the other hand Kier and Mike (or one of them) coded a Find feature so you could locate an item of code in the edit form.
Put the two together and you have a dream edit environment.

I'm not greatly enjoying designing the sidebar menu though. But <shrug> it's no worse than any other quest into someone else's css.
Everything else has been excellent.
Just a tip to wordpress users who will also install xenforo, you can make a new page in xenforo, and put the wordpress page content on it. :)
If your Wordpress is static content, you're doing it wrong. ;)
a "page" (read: not a blog) usually IS static. Whatever is not static, you can do in xenforo page node, since it allows for customization to help make it dynamic.
Another vote for a seamless Wordpress-XenForo integration.

Also, please don't spend time reinventing a blogging CMS.

Specialization in forum usability and clean forum design + integration with market leaders in other areas* is the way to go imho!

* Blogging = Wordpress, Shopping = Shopify?, Affiliate Program = ... ?
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