Add-on XenForo Blogs Add-on in Development

Hi, i have a few questions:

  • Will there be options to "design" each blog like here: or here: or with more options to design the blog?

  • Are there community-blogs planned? (e.g. blog owner allows other users to post in his blog, or blogs can be used/managed from user-groups?

  • What comment-system is planned? Own comment-system or using XF-forums?

  • Can images used from XFMG and/or sonnb-gallery addon? And can images uploaded by user if not use a gallery?

  • Would you offer a "early-adopter"-option for the addon?
Sounds cool! When is a beta expected to be released? And importers?? :D
We're about half way through so far, so perhaps March? Importers will come with the beta releases, probably after the first beta release.

Will there be options to "design" each blog like here: or here: or with more options to design the blog?
We'll have some level of blog customisation available, yeah. It'll be restricted some parts to not make the entire page ugly, but a colour scheme etc. will be supported, along with a custom image to represent the blog, etc. Not as extreme as background colour changes - just looks ugly then. But colour changes, definitely.

Are there community-blogs planned? (e.g. blog owner allows other users to post in his blog, or blogs can be used/managed from user-groups?
Yeah, I'm sure I answered this in the summary, but I might've forgotten. Users can add individual users with certain levels of permissions to their blog, and all of this will be permission controlled by the administrator too.

system is planned? Own comment-system or using XF-forums?
Our own comment system.

Can images used from XFMG and/or sonnb-gallery addon? And can images uploaded by user if not use a gallery?
XFMG and uploaded images.

Would you offer a "early-adopter"-option for the addon?
Not quite sure yet. I think we'd think more about pricing closer to the date. I would think it'd be relatively expensive, but obviously that won't work for sales so we'd probably keep it around £60 as currently planned. If work load increases, price may need to as well. I'm sure we can cut something out for early adopters, as they're very helpful in the bug fixing and beta process - it's the least we could do. We'd have to figure it out closer to a beta, though.
If you do an importer for ThemeHouse XenBlogs, I'll definitely see about buying your mod!
Thing is, I'm not really sure how I could import articles as blogs. Categories treat as blogs and articles treat as blog entries? It's like making an importer from AMS or XenPorta. If it's possible, it's going to be too difficult for the benefits. Difficult as in time consuming and annoying. It'd be importing some data, rebuilding to get the rest, dummying some more and playing around with what's left all whilst having to do it quickly and saving time.

The same way we won't make importers for XenPorta, I don't think we will for the add-on in question.
I understand. I guess I'm sticking with XenBlogs. People donated to get it and there are a lot of entries so my members would be annoyed if it were changed to something else.

I'll keep an eye on your progress tho! :)
Import article into author's blog, as a blog entry?
Right, but there aren't authors, they're categories.

i.e. admin creates category: news, under that are articles. It's basically XenPorta or something like that. We have a somewhat similar system to Better Blogs, to the extent that hitting 'rebuild' will complete the import, anyway. XenBlog, we'd need more than a rebuild. We'd need to populate all missing results, even though XenBlog is basically an articles system, and then rebuild.

It's like making an importer for AMS and XenPorta - I think they serve different purposes to a blogging system, and it'd be too time consuming to make an importer for XB and I'm 100% sure customers wouldn't be satisfied with the result anyway, because things like "cooking" will become blogs... managed by whom? Public blogs? Permission controlled blogs? Who can post to them? You end up with lots of questions and blank holes. It's not worth the effort. It's like making an importer to import to WordPress from XenForo. One is a forum software, one is kinda a blog.
It was my only choice at the time. If this new one proves to be as good as it seems, I'll gladly cut my losses and check it out. ATM tho, there are at least 20 "blogs" on my site....
One should be able to 'back date' blog entries so if there are no importers, admins can modify blog entry dates so they don't all seem to appear at once.
I uninstalled my XenBlogs. My members agree it was too buggy, and are waiting for this new one! :D
I'd buy it too. I'd have to ask for donations tho, or save up. My forum is a hobby and I don't get anything out of it money wise. :D
News about deadline for buy alpha version?
Only the beta will be available for purchase, for the sake of satisfaction. The "alpha" will be between a private group of people just to ensure we meet satisfaction.

We're still quite far off the stable releases. Of course, we want to get it right, and we also have more projects to be working on. There are quite a few projects we need to get out/update before we can get this one out (corporate responsibility, of course). We'll let you know here on any advancements!
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