XenForo 2.0 Discussion

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Had not heard of that one before your post. After looking into it, what I've seen looks horrible to me, among the worst visually, unless I'm missing something. I also noticed they have a paid option at ridiculous pricing levels.

I think XF is one of the best things since sliced bread in terms of UI and how it works, but in all honesty after looking at the version 2 example a while ago, it looked rather flat indeed to me. Hard for me to like that flat look.

I was just searching for it to look again, here it is: https://xf2demo.xenforo.com/.

That is amazingly "dry" and "minimalist." Do people really like that style nowadays? Sometimes I do like that, but not for a discussion forum where I want to spend time discussing and conversing. It is mostly clear and "clean," but the flat dryness is still difficult to take I think. Things also seem much more cramped closer together as well, too much so for my taste. Perhaps I could learn to like it.
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The next stage of the process will be the developer preview (alpha), as soon as it is ready. It will be available to all customers with an active license.
Does anyone know a rough ideal time when XF2 will be released at all? I only ask because I will be looking to redesign my forum very soon, so depending on how soon it gets released could affect whether not I should delay development (really don't want to pay twice for a redesign too close together lol)
Does anyone know a rough ideal time when XF2 will be released at all? I only ask because I will be looking to redesign my forum very soon, so depending on how soon it gets released could affect whether not I should delay development (really don't want to pay twice for a redesign too close together lol)

Then just wait till 2.0 to get released. There is as far as I know no rough time frame. It's just gonna friends on many different things found during the demo and alpha, beta, and RC stages.
Then just wait till 2.0 to get released. There is as far as I know no rough time frame. It's just gonna friends on many different things found during the demo and alpha, beta, and RC stages.
I'm probably not going to do that as the release probably isn't going to happen for a while. I was just asking here to try and see if that is likely to be true. The redesign I'm doing is something which I need to try and have completed over the next few months (the backend on my current one seems incredibly messy, most likely due with me being very unexperienced with this sort of stuff haha)
Does anyone know a rough ideal time when XF2 will be released at all? I only ask because I will be looking to redesign my forum very soon, so depending on how soon it gets released could affect whether not I should delay development (really don't want to pay twice for a redesign too close together lol)
I would suggest going ahead with your development. XF2 is currently in Alpha and has a few stages to go through yet; then there's the official Resource Manager and Extended Search add-ons to sort - nevermind all the third-party add-on rewrites that will need to be undertaken. During all that time you can be growing your content and community. And even when all that is done, you'll still only get roughly what you've got now as the aim is for parity with XF1 before they stride off into broader XF2 development. (y)
I would suggest going ahead with your development. XF2 is currently in Alpha and has a few stages to go through yet; then there's the official Resource Manager and Extended Search add-ons to sort - nevermind all the third-party add-on rewrites that will need to be undertaken. During all that time you can be growing your content and community. And even when all that is done, you'll still only get roughly what you've got now as the aim is for parity with XF1 before they stride off into broader XF2 development. (y)
That was my initial though, though thought I'd check in the optimistic, but very unlikely, event the release would be fairly soon lol
"even when all that is done, you'll still only get roughly what you've got now"
Pretty much sums it up.

There's an editor for the navigation bar which we've all been doing with Jake's excellent Navbar Tabs addon.
There's widgets which could be interesting for design, but this is also already in play with some very good addons.
Apart from that, nothing of interest for admins.

On the other negative side ALL addons will have to be "updated" i.e. redone, so lots of extra costs and labour to get back to square one.

A design which is extreme vanilla, so very few will be able to use it, pressuring need to create or buy a design. That means expense and/ or hours of labour. Redoing current design is for most extremely time consuming, again just to get back to square one.

Meanwhile some of the best devs are already leaving XF not liking the prospect so the competition for services of those left behind is going to be difficult. It was already bad with too few devs.

Just have to hope it'll all pick up again. XF has known bad times before and come through them.
Very excited and optimistic about the XF 2.0 my developers and I are on the edges of our seats waiting for the preview release (Alpha) .. Once that is out we will treat it as the firing gun we have been waiting for and will begin the race to replicate the main custom plug ins we built for VB 3.8.6 and will keep a 'warm' migrated version of the forums basic threads and posts to begin testing and doing our graphical front end custom work on.

We now have an 'all pause" policy on any major new VB3 custom work.

It will be exciting to see XF2 ready Add Ons emerge and float to the top (like cream?!) and when we are done with graphics and functionality replication - (Q3 2017?) we hope we can cherry pick some XF 2.0 ready 'essentials'
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