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XenDynamic - Wordpress Theme

Anything that works with the current version out now will work with the new one...so if you want to download it and start playing with it/adjusting styling if you need to there's no reason to wait.
Great--I'll give it a look tonight. :)
In the file wp-content/themes/XenDynamic/includes/xf_integration.php find this:
$buffer = str_replace('<form action="index.php?search/search" method="post"', '<form action="/" method="get"', $buffer);

After it add this:
$buffer = str_replace('<form action="search/search" method="post"', '<form action="/" method="get"', $buffer);

Let me know if that works or not.

Thanks. I'm traveling this week and won't get to test until this weekend but will let you know.
Got around to installing this tonight and it appears to be working well for the most part. I do have one issue where drop-downs (and blog-specific links, which are all going to the forum index, but that might be unrelated) won't work; I think it's due to the JavaScript in my footer. (see blog here) I added the code in one of my JS templates (see code at bottom of post) into XenDynamicEXTRA.css, but to no avail--do I need to change the filepath of the JS file in the template, and/or is there another error that could be causing the issue?

<script src="js/vticker/jcarousellite_1.0.1c4.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> 
$(function() { 
        vertical: true, 
        visible: 1, 
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready( function()
//stick the footer at the bottom of the page if we're on an iPad/iPhone due to viewport/page bugs in mobile webkit
if(navigator.platform == 'iPad' || navigator.platform == 'iPhone' || navigator.platform == 'iPod')
    $("#moderatorBar2").css("position", "static");
I would imagine if there is no 'vticker' folder in whatever directory where you have wordpress installed yes, you need to alter that top line to reflect the correct path to jcarousellite.js
I just recently converted from vb suite to XF and my users are missing their blogs that they had in vb. I have never used Wordpress before but am told it is a good blogging platform and this mod seems great in handling the styling issues but can I use Wordpress with this mod to provide my users with a facility for them to have their own blogs?
I just recently converted from vb suite to XF and my users are missing their blogs that they had in vb. I have never used Wordpress before but am told it is a good blogging platform and this mod seems great in handling the styling issues but can I use Wordpress with this mod to provide my users with a facility for them to have their own blogs?

All this style (not mod) does is copy your XF style over to your wordpress installation, so they both look the same. It does not copy users over, or intergrate the login systems of the two systems.

There is a wordpress 3 bridge in the Add ons forum that does this. However, when you do this. It just allows the forum admin (and any other user groups the admin specifies) to be able to post to your wordpress installations front page. The wordpress installation out the box is a single blog for a single persons news to appear on the front page. You may be able to find some kind of plugin for wordpress that splits different users sections into their own blogs, but it dosent work out the box like the vB blog.
All this style (not mod) does is copy your XF style over to your wordpress installation, so they both look the same. It does not copy users over, or intergrate the login systems of the two systems.

There is a wordpress 3 bridge in the Add ons forum that does this. However, when you do this. It just allows the forum admin (and any other user groups the admin specifies) to be able to post to your wordpress installations front page. The wordpress installation out the box is a single blog for a single persons news to appear on the front page. You may be able to find some kind of plugin for wordpress that splits different users sections into their own blogs, but it dosent work out the box like the vB blog.
Yeah this is done on ign. I want to get mine like that too.
I would imagine if there is no 'vticker' folder in whatever directory where you have wordpress installed yes, you need to alter that top line to reflect the correct path to jcarousellite.js
Meant to respond to this the other day--after editing the filepath to no avail, I copied over the whole folder into the WP directory and changed the filepath again to suit...to no avail. Any other ideas? Thanks!
Meant to respond to this the other day--after editing the filepath to no avail, I copied over the whole folder into the WP directory and changed the filepath again to suit...to no avail. Any other ideas? Thanks!

To clarify your orignal problem, what makes you think your jacascript is the cause? What is wrong with some of your links? Where do they point and where should they point? Could you give me an example? Or do the links not work at all when clicked? Browser reporting javascript errors? Or some other symptom?
To clarify your orignal problem, what makes you think your jacascript is the cause? What is wrong with some of your links? Where do they point and where should they point? Could you give me an example? Or do the links not work at all when clicked? Browser reporting javascript errors? Or some other symptom?
I have a scrolling news ticker (see here) that doesn't scroll on the blog (that's what uses the JS file in the vticker directory, by the way), which leads me to believe there's a JS issue. In addition, the drop-downs in the navigation area (Members, Help, Inbox, Alerts, etc.) don't go away when clicking off of them--they stay open until the page is refreshed. As for the links, the blog links appear to be missing the /blog/ portion of the URL, which causes links to articles and comments to be broken.

(note: I'm having server issues at the moment, so if you try to access the site and can't, that's why)
9/18/2011 Changelog
  • Added support for secondary menu using the Wordpress->Appearance->Menu system

Hi bambua,

I installed XenDynamic today and it worked like a dream ! Thanks for sharing this !!

I have one small problem, I can't add a secondary menu to my wordpress site, I get the message that this theme does not support the new menu system.

Maybe I have the wrong version of the plugin, I can only see version 0.1.0 attached to the first post ?
All this style (not mod) does is copy your XF style over to your wordpress installation, so they both look the same. It does not copy users over, or intergrate the login systems of the two systems.

There is a wordpress 3 bridge in the Add ons forum that does this. However, when you do this. It just allows the forum admin (and any other user groups the admin specifies) to be able to post to your wordpress installations front page. The wordpress installation out the box is a single blog for a single persons news to appear on the front page. You may be able to find some kind of plugin for wordpress that splits different users sections into their own blogs, but it dosent work out the box like the vB blog.

Is there a plugin that will sync user logins between the two? I want people to login via Wordpress then be automatically logged into Xenforo. I use a membership plugin called Wishlist Member to manage user permissions, control billing etc. so Wordpress needs to be in control.
Hi bambua,

I installed XenDynamic today and it worked like a dream ! Thanks for sharing this !!

I have one small problem, I can't add a secondary menu to my wordpress site, I get the message that this theme does not support the new menu system.

Maybe I have the wrong version of the plugin, I can only see version 0.1.0 attached to the first post ?
I'm actually working on the fix for this right now. My project today/this evening is to get the next version out.
Is there a plugin that will sync user logins between the two? I want people to login via Wordpress then be automatically logged into Xenforo. I use a membership plugin called Wishlist Member to manage user permissions, control billing etc. so Wordpress needs to be in control.
Just the fact that you use those doesn't necessarily mean wordpress needs to be control as long as you set everything up right. I've used http://xenscripts.com/xenforo-to-wordpress-bridge/ in situations where the plugin on the wordpress side needs direct access to users and it works just fine.
Just the fact that you use those doesn't necessarily mean wordpress needs to be control as long as you set everything up right. I've used http://xenscripts.com/xenforo-to-wordpress-bridge/ in situations where the plugin on the wordpress side needs direct access to users and it works just fine.

The trouble is that Wishlist Member actually creates the user from within Wordpress when people register on the checkout form. How would this work if it's Xenforo controlling user permissions?
The trouble is that Wishlist Member actually creates the user from within Wordpress when people register on the checkout form. How would this work if it's Xenforo controlling user permissions?
Allright I'll give you that. I haven't seen any mods in the works though that make wordpress in charge of users though.
Update to version 0.2.0

There are some new settings in the control panel in WordPress, there are 3 different configuration options, if your site's homepage doesn't load correctly and you are sure you have the path right, try the 3 options and see if it corrects the issue. If you still have an issue after that let me know.

New Features:
  • If you create a menu in wordpress with the same stub as the page name (ie if the pages stub is about-us name the menu that) It will load it as the sub menu in the header
  • 2 new layouts, 3 column, 1 column, 2 column no sidebar with widgetized areas for each
I'll also be posting some branding free information here soon.
Let me know here if you have any issues.
Thanks for the updade Bambua, much appreciated! Would you consider adding a feature for Flexile to break out of container like jaxel did it with XenPorta? The extra layers wrapping the post are unnecessary in my opinion.
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