XenCentral Invite System

XenCentral Invite System [Paid] 1.6.0

No permission to buy ($19.99)
Ah, thank you for your wonderful support and response! It is a very pleasant when developers take you seriously and respond quickly - I changed my rating to 5 stars, and I will happily purchase any others add-ons that you produce should I need them.
Oh, and another - very, very minor - issue is that there is no way to delete records of invites in the 'invites' tab, regardless of the users status. Ideally, the record of the invite should disappear if the user who was invited with the invite is deleted. Don't bother fixing this unless it is really easy, though - it is just a minor aesthetical issue that bothers me when testing the system (I don't use a testing forum - I guess I should) :D
Ah, thank you for your wonderful support and response! It is a very pleasant when developers take you seriously and respond quickly - I changed my rating to 5 stars, and I will happily purchase any others add-ons that you produce should I need them.
Oh, and another - very, very minor - issue is that there is no way to delete records of invites in the 'invites' tab, regardless of the users status. Ideally, the record of the invite should disappear if the user who was invited with the invite is deleted. Don't bother fixing this unless it is really easy, though - it is just a minor aesthetical issue that bothers me when testing the system (I don't use a testing forum - I guess I should) :D

Thank you for the feedback. The last issue mentioned will be fixed as well.

Thank you!
I didn't notice this listed but is there a way to have a field when registering so they can just enter the name of the person that referred them? Maybe they lost the email or they were talking to someone they met and said for them to just add their name as the one who referred them.

Does anyone know a way that we can add someone with a valid referred member to a special user group? And then take the valid member and put them in a special one as well? Here is what I'm thinking. I want to offer an incentive for referring members. I also want to make this easier for the. My idea is to offer an incentive for the invited member as well.

What I would like to do is to buy the competitions add on and have two month contests. One would be for people with at least on valid referred member. That could be a member with X amount of posts. Then have one for the members that were invited to the forum.

I would also try to figure out a way to have it so that they have to be active to win. So if they take a break from the forum then they wouldn't have a chance to win for that month. Maybe that could be done with a user group as well.

Sorry for the long post. Kinda brain storming. So for this plan, having the added option of members being able to just add in someone's forum name would be helpful. And or is there a way to add someone manually. Let's say someone signed up because of another member but forgot to use the email or enter a name, can I add it in for them?

Hello, @Flexin

The feature to set referrers name during registration is already in our task list, and will be added soon. As we have some features implemented for invited users (e.g. skipping email confirmation, adding to a usergroup etc.), in case user just enters referrer name this changes will not take place.

The second suggestion, the possibility to add user referred and the referrer is partially available in the full version of the product, that allows purchasing invites, and depending on package purchased by guest places them automatically to appropriate usergroup. You can check its features and see if it meets your needs better than this product. However, both products do not handle any usergroup change for users invited by others. We will consider to implement this suggestion as well. Again, this will work with real invitations received on email, and will not work when user just enters referrers name.

For your requirements about contests, all we can do is to add to user's information the number of users they have invited. Along with usergroup change this should be enough, but if you need any custom behavior implemented in the product specific for your board, don't hesitate to contact us at http://desk.xencentral.com/ and we will help you with that.

For setting referrer manually after registration, we think the best way is to have it in Account -> Person Details page, where each user will be able to set and change the referrer (maybe limiting to cases when referrer was not entered, and when user was registered with actual email invite, do not allow them to change this information).

Thank you for all suggestions, and let us know if you have any other questions.

Thank you!
Hello, @Flexin

The feature to set referrers name during registration is already in our task list, and will be added soon. As we have some features implemented for invited users (e.g. skipping email confirmation, adding to a usergroup etc.), in case user just enters referrer name this changes will not take place.

The second suggestion, the possibility to add user referred and the referrer is partially available in the full version of the product, that allows purchasing invites, and depending on package purchased by guest places them automatically to appropriate usergroup. You can check its features and see if it meets your needs better than this product. However, both products do not handle any usergroup change for users invited by others. We will consider to implement this suggestion as well. Again, this will work with real invitations received on email, and will not work when user just enters referrers name.

For your requirements about contests, all we can do is to add to user's information the number of users they have invited. Along with usergroup change this should be enough, but if you need any custom behavior implemented in the product specific for your board, don't hesitate to contact us at http://desk.xencentral.com/ and we will help you with that.

For setting referrer manually after registration, we think the best way is to have it in Account -> Person Details page, where each user will be able to set and change the referrer (maybe limiting to cases when referrer was not entered, and when user was registered with actual email invite, do not allow them to change this information).

Thank you for all suggestions, and let us know if you have any other questions.

Thank you!

Thanks for the reply.

  • Good to hear.
  • I looked at the other one but that doesn't seem to fit. I was just looking at user promotions in the xenForo acp. Under the "Apply This Promotion While..." tab, there is list of content and achievements. Bobs Sportbook has items listed in there. If you could add some in there I can make this work. There could be "user has referred X amount of members". This would allow me to put them into a special user group. It doesn't help with my idea of only allowing "valid referrals" to count. Then having one for "member has been referred" or something like that would allow me to put them in a user group as well. For that one I could use the "has posted at least X messages" to put them in that group.
  • If the above options are added (if they are not there already) then the contest part is all set. From what I remember from reading about that one. When you set the contest, you select which user groups can enter. So with the above, I would be all set.
  • That would work for me. I would be happy with that solution. I wouldn't mind having the option to not allow them to change it once they do add someone. If they changed it after the fact, then they could add someone else to the "referred a member" user group. This could cause problems. But them adding it after they sign up is fine with me. If they are signed up, can they still go back and click on the email invitation they received and have that count for the member that sent it?
This is something that I feel was needed since day one. Its an important feature for any forum. I can't believe that not many people have even tried to take it on. Some did but didn't add a way to track members that were referred which makes it hard to reward members that help the forum in this way.

Thanks for the reply.

  • Good to hear.
  • I looked at the other one but that doesn't seem to fit. I was just looking at user promotions in the xenForo acp. Under the "Apply This Promotion While..." tab, there is list of content and achievements. Bobs Sportbook has items listed in there. If you could add some in there I can make this work. There could be "user has referred X amount of members". This would allow me to put them into a special user group. It doesn't help with my idea of only allowing "valid referrals" to count. Then having one for "member has been referred" or something like that would allow me to put them in a user group as well. For that one I could use the "has posted at least X messages" to put them in that group.
  • If the above options are added (if they are not there already) then the contest part is all set. From what I remember from reading about that one. When you set the contest, you select which user groups can enter. So with the above, I would be all set.
  • That would work for me. I would be happy with that solution. I wouldn't mind having the option to not allow them to change it once they do add someone. If they changed it after the fact, then they could add someone else to the "referred a member" user group. This could cause problems. But them adding it after they sign up is fine with me. If they are signed up, can they still go back and click on the email invitation they received and have that count for the member that sent it?
This is something that I feel was needed since day one. Its an important feature for any forum. I can't believe that not many people have even tried to take it on. Some did but didn't add a way to track members that were referred which makes it hard to reward members that help the forum in this way.


Hello, James!

Thank you for your reply and all suggestions. In coming release we will try to include all main features you have requested as they all seem quite important. This should be in coming 1-2 days.

Thank you!
XCentral updated XenCentral Invite System with a new update entry:

XenCentral Invite System 1.1.4 released

Hello everyone,

We are happy to announce the release of the next version of Invite System with many features requested by our customers. Here is a brief overview of changes introduced in this version:
  1. New usergroup permission to enable/disable entire system for usergroups. Please check usergroup permissions after installation to enable the product for appropriate usergroups.
  2. New options to automatically place referrers and referred users in predefined secondary...

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Thank you for the excellent update!

Is there any way for administrators to edit the referrers of specific users?
This Addon is great, for Public Forums. But its not that good for private Forums, because this Addon needs a open Forum to working, right? Example: I have a private Forum which no public Access, when i send now some Invites, the Guys only get a Error Message, that they needs to login to see that Page. It would be better when you could change that, so they see a Register Form after they click on the Invite Link in the Email. :cautious:
XCentral updated XenCentral Invite System with a new update entry:

XenCentral Invite System released

Hello everyone,

We just got a report about the system not being usable for closed communities, where "View" permission is denied for guests. As a result guests having an invitation were unable to register. We consider this as something urgent to fix that is why make another minor release that fixes the problem. Please download the latest package from Clients Area and apply to fix the problem.

Thank you!

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hello, @BamBam

Thank you for the report. Of course it is something we considered the product to handle, and it was just not working the way we expected. Now it is fixed and a new minor release is available for download.

Let us know if you need anything else.

Thank you!
Hey XCentral,

you mentioned support for trophies earlier in this thread, added a lot of features in between. Do you have an idea how long it'll take you to implement this support? I am looking for something like this and it would make it an instant buy for me.

Keep up the good work! It's good to see so many good XenForo developers these days. :)
Hello, @Thee

Implementing trophies (and other "awards" for users) is the next in our list. We will try to implement it in 1-2 weeks.

Thank you!
That sounds great.

Do you think it would be possible to give these awards or whatever to people that successfully invited someone before the feature was introduced?

Anyway, looking forward to it!
That sounds great.

Do you think it would be possible to give these awards or whatever to people that successfully invited someone before the feature was introduced?

Anyway, looking forward to it!

Yes, we will consider making awards based on total number of invited users, so most likely it will be possible.

Thank you!
I am getting the follwing error, which I think is related to the invite system:

Error Info
ErrorException: Illegal string offset 'user_id' - library/XenCentral/InviteSystem/Model/XenForo/User.php:164
Generated By: [username here, I am censoring it] Today at 10:34
Stack Trace
#0 /home/public/library/XenCentral/InviteSystem/Model/XenForo/User.php(164): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(2, 'Illegal string ...', '/home/public/li...', 164, Array)
#1 /home/public/library/XenCentral/InviteSystem/ControllerPublic/XenForo/Register.php(97): XenCentral_InviteSystem_Model_XenForo_User->setReferrerManually(18, '[username here, I am censoring it]')
#2 /home/public/library/XenForo/Controller.php(359): XenCentral_InviteSystem_ControllerPublic_XenForo_Register->_postDispatch(Object(XenForo_ControllerResponse_View), 'XenForo_Control...', 'Register')
#3 /home/public/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(344): XenForo_Controller->postDispatch(Object(XenForo_ControllerResponse_View), 'XenForo_Control...', 'Register')
#4 /home/public/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#5 /home/public/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#6 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(52) "http://lumineboreali.net/index.php?register/register"
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["register/register"] => string(0) ""
["_POST"] => array(17) {
["username"] => string(15) "[username here, I am censoring it]"
["email"] => string(26) "[email here, I am censoring it]"
["password"] => string(8) "********"
["password_confirm"] => string(8) "********"
["dob_month"] => string(2) "10"
["dob_day"] => string(2) "31"
["dob_year"] => string(4) "1979"
["gender"] => string(4) "male"
["referrer"] => string(6) "[username here, I am censoring it]"
["custom_fields"] => array(4) {
[other profile details entered here, I am censoring them]
["heardfrom"] => string(10) "Email / PM"
["custom_fields_shown"] => array(4) {
[0] => string(9) "ethnicity"
[1] => string(9) "political"
[2] => string(8) "religion"
[3] => string(9) "heardfrom"
["timezone"] => string(13) "Europe/London"
["recaptcha_challenge_field"] => string(185) "03AHJ_VuusoefV3IwIc0PgzK1ky3gT0jdVoKo_LGTTNz18iRBMHlr0j8_jDnM-70FWfbDDp3aGcsF8BWkg6OP13mRrxJ9hIFThsdyEQASiS8ALV9YkrnhCIYtaNXvkyW7C1LTHzQvb2-1heKXbMGhHqfpQnIqe7pc3G41Pay_8xWZlbS98Cnq5BiY"
["recaptcha_response_field"] => string(8) "46859884"
["agree"] => string(1) "1"
["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
["reg_key"] => string(32) "4330a496f0eb06539da03e5f2fb1092c"
XCentral updated XenCentral Invite System with a new update entry:

XenCentral Invite System 1.1.5 is released

Hello everyone,

This is the next minor release for the product that implements the most frequently requested feature - ability to define trophies based on number of users invited by current user (and successfully registered). We have integrated the product in XenForo User Criteria, which makes it available in Trophy manager, Notices and anywhere where the system is used, including third-party addons. Now creating a Trophy you can select interval (at least and at most X invites) for number of...

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