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WordPress 3 Bridge

Just wanted to post I've made some progress on extracting the color pic information from the XF database on the wordpress side. I'm about half done skinning wordpress to the XF default skin and hoping to have a working example done either later on today or tomorrow. I'll share it for sure when I get it done :) It won't be polished right away but it will be usable.

would be great if you built it on Thesis
Can someone summarize the pros and cons and how tos of setting up a MU network? Versus giving members permission to blog and how to do that on a single blog?
mu gives every user their own blogs..so you don't have to worry about it. Mu is nearly native in wp3(there is a code edit to make,..it's easily found in the codex).
I know it's not the bridge ;) I've got it running on both a test and a live site right now with no delays like that.
Yes I tried removing the bridge and problem remains, so the bridge plugin is fine, no delays because of it :)
There is some problem.
If it needed some time to load the first time, I'd wouldn't mind.
But no, it takes 12 seconds every time. Is there caching enabled ?

Was unable to log into the Wordpress Admin panel today...disabled the xF bridge, and my login now works...unsure what the issue is, but if you find yourself locked out of Wordpress, use FTP to change the plugin folder name and gain access.
Did you check that you have exactly the same username + email address on both WP+XF? i had the same issue before I synchronized my username+email
Check your database table, if you got different user or mail, it must've created second user etc, delete those, and fix your normal user to match XF's.
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