XF 2.2 Which cron takes care of birthday widget and what time?

Black Tiger

Well-known member
I'm using the widget to display the online members and below that I put a birthday widget like this:


But exactly at which time is that cronjob or task running? And which task is that?
Because I thought this runs at 00.00 hours every day, but one of my mods says he's almost convinced he has seen some new birthday for a user way past 00.00 hours.
And I have Xenforo running on the server based trigger (so every minute).

Which now makes me curious as how this is done and at what time.
It should show members whose birthday matches the date in the visitor's timezone.
Yes but our logged in members are (except a few) all from the same timezone, most even same country.

So are you confirming that in this case it should automatically be shown at 00.00 hours in our timezone?
So there is a query running?
But anyway it can't be that my moderator sees some birthday in the morning and didn't see it at night time, right?
We had a little discussion about that and I said that couldn't be the case, and he thought otherwise.
Server time could be an issue or timezone could be an issue.

It basically says if user.day/month = today() then show.
Server time could be an issue or timezone could be an issue.
Then we should not have an issue as the server time and php time is the same timezone as the forum and most of our users have.

It basically says if user.day/month = today() then show.
Is that an "on visit" thing then like when a user logs in or visits te forum or is it called another way?

Sorry to be a bit difficult maybe but I'm just very curious and I'm not really a php/mysql guru. :)
It's calculated at the time the request is made. If the month is 03 and the day is 24 in my selected timezone when I request a page with the widget on it, the widget will query the database for users whose birth month is 03 and birth day is 24. It's as straight-forward as you'd imagine. There is no caching or anything in the middle which would interfere, as long as the server time and user's selected timezone is correct.
when I request a page with the widget on it, the widget will query the database for users whose birth month is 03 and birth day is 24.
That's what I wanted to know, so it's based on visit and then the query is done. Great.

My curiosity is satisfied, thank you very much!

or check the next birthday upcoming and try look out for it.
Then I still wouldn't have known what exactly is happening behind the scenes and I was curious to that, which I now know.
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