XF 2.0 Where is the list of XF2 classes that can be extended through XFCP


Well-known member

In the dev docs it says "A great deal number of classes in XF2 are extendable". This just means non-deterministic design, i.e. try to extend then hope something happens.

If there is no such list (which is needed), please let me know how I can glean it myself.

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Hello ,

Urgent Help needed i want to extend this class

namespace XF\Template\Compiler\Func; use XF\Template\Compiler\Syntax\AbstractSyntax; use XF\Template\Compiler\Syntax\Func; use XF\Template\Compiler; class Phrase extends AbstractFn { }

but it not working when i extend it can please help me how i can do it
basically i want to overwrite

public function compile(AbstractSyntax $func, Compiler $compiler, array $context) { }

on phrase class is there any way to do it please help me anyone

The template compiler isn't extendable by traditional means to prevent people from causing unrepairable damage to their installations. If you explain what you're trying to achieve, there might be a better way to do it.
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