What is Cloudflare ? How does it help webmasters ?

Also, I am curious how cloudflare knows what people to block? How are they choosing them? Could they make a mistake and block some regular people who are not nefarious?
I didn't have those cache problems until later on down the road. I would have to contact customer support to see what's up.
Also, I am curious how cloudflare knows what people to block? How are they choosing them? Could they make a mistake and block some regular people who are not nefarious?

We use a variety of data sources to identify potential threats to your site.
A couple of things:
1. There will be some false positives because it is based on IP data.
2. You can override our behavior by whitelisting ips.
3. You can turn your security level to a lower level.
Hearing this makes me VERY concerned to even attempt to use CloudFlare. Why risk it? How about just upgrading your own host account? I would like to understand more of the pros and cons to have the full picture.

Keep in mind that there are tens of thousands of sites using CloudFlare. A site offline could be the result of a hosting provider issue as well.
These tips will help you avoid common problems with CloudFlare. A site offline is only going to happen if (a) server is down, or (b) something is blocking our requests (very important to whitelist our ips on your server).
I've installed mod_cloudflare on my server. Should I also be using the xenforo mod for config.php, or does mod_cloudflare make that redundant?
I've installed mod_cloudflare on my server. Should I also be using the xenforo mod for config.php, or does mod_cloudflare make that redundant?

Probably a little redundant, unless you need the original visitor IP at the application level as well (XenForo). But there would be no harm of conflict doing so...
FYI, creative criticism.

The Help page would be more helpful if the current time zone was included with the status, currently it reads:
Latest system status update <19 December @ 04:41:14>
CloudFlareSys: attack mitigated in LA/SJC.

I got Cloudflare working again on my site. It was set up totally different than before which may explain the errors I had before.

I'm not seeing any difference in performance yet other than caching.
Thanks. I sent it to our engineering lead for this. Could probably include something like PST to clarify.

It appears that message might be a twitter feed.

I reported a bug with CloudFlare regarding a "DNS Resolution Error" page that I saw myself on my site, Error 101. Neither of the suggested causes were applicable to me.

There have other reports of similar type of connection problems, but I'm still investigating to find out when they are happening, and if a tracert can be done.
Just a quick note that we've launched a new feature called Page Rules, which will allow you to do things like forwarding and excluding certain URLS from being touched by CloudFlare. You can check the beta feature out by using this link.

My personal recommendation:
1. Use the feature to exclude the admin url or uploads. We have seen issues with this for CloudFlare users, so excluding URLs like that from CloudFlare seems to fix a number of issues.
The Error 101 was reported as a CloudFlare error, it looked like this, is it the same as the Chrome 101? I was told by support to run a tracert if it happens again.
DNS Resolution Error
You've requested a page on a website that is on the CloudFlare network. Unfortunately, CloudFlare is currently unable to resolve your requested domain. There are two potential causes of this:

Most likely: if the owner just signed up for CloudFlare it can take a few minutes for the website's information to be distributed to our global network. Check back in about 5 minutes and the site should be up and running and enjoying all the benefits of CloudFlare.

Less likely: something is wrong with this site's configuration. Usually this happens when accounts have been signed up with a partner organization (e.g., a hosting provider) and the provider's DNS fails.

If you continue to experience this error, you may contact support. Please reference the following information in your message:

Error reference number: 1001

Server ID: FL_14F2

Process ID: PID_1324395755.674-1-369866484
Ah, ok. There was a typo in your original post (we don't generate a 101 error, but we do have a 1001 error). The 101 would probably be Google Chrome (err:101). A 1001 error on CloudFlare does indicate a possible DNS issue and/or propagation. Are you still seeing this? The 1001 report should also generate the specific url the problem was on.
Sorry, no, I only saw it myself one time in 3 months or so of using CloudFlare, the specific URL was the home page. I reported it to support
Just a couple of quick CloudFlare notes for CloudFlare users in this thread...

-CloudFlare has released an app to protest SOPA and PIPA.
-We have created a beta feature called Page Rules so site owners can exclude things like admin sections from being touched by CloudFlare. You can check out Page Rules by going here. You will then find the feature available in your drop down settings.
-CloudFlare has also been nominated for a Crunchie Award. If you follow TechCrunch at all, please vote for us.

We have a couple of other things on the way & I will remind myself to come over and let you know what they are.
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